UFO-Forschung - Ist Stan Romanek der neue Ed Walters ?


Stan Romanek presents himself as the typical “every man.” He had his typical job in his typical town with his typical family. There was certainly no reason to believe that
this Joe Sixpack would end up as national news. It is exactly this image that has so many of us believing his story. He comes across as so sincere. Why would all these mean people be picking on him and calling him a fraud? Let’s look, shall we? What follows was on Stan’s original “official” webite.
December 27, 2000 The first UFO seen by Stan was in the daytime at the location of Alameda and Jewel in west Denver (Lakewood). When first observed, (paraphrased here) "it was about 50 feet from Stan's car, directly above thelevel of power linesalong the sideof the road. It was keeping pace, just ahead of my moving car at about 40 miles per hour and in the air at a slight angle forward. The approximate size was that of a minivan. I slowed then stopped my car, as did other cars and their drivers
observing this object. After ainstantly "popped" to a higher height several hundred feet up, causing an intense "sonic boom" that was felt on my clothes and body.
Other than this sonic "pop", the object made absolutely no sound. At this point the camera was ready to film, and the video was taken."


I remember very clearly watching the video as itwas aired on Denver’s local Fox newscast aroundthat time. I was a UFO investigator at the time,and I was very skeptical of the video. It was very blurry and shaky (as all UFO videos seem to be...) and not very convincing. The autofocus of the camera was unable to lock onto the object and, therefore, it was distorted. When this happens, the resulting image looks nothing like the real object. Yet, Stan decided that the blurry images were in fact exactly how the objects looked. Below you see his rendition. These drawings are a stretch, to put it lightly, from what the object actually looked like. I will goahead right now and stake my life on it.


I, too, went out and filmed a strange object in the sky. Mine was from a different angle than Stan’s so the lights were featured more. My auto-focus was also unable to capture the object clearly. Pictured below is what I captured. As you can see from the still photo from the video and the illustration next to it, I captured an alien craft on film. It seems to be organic in nature and was propelled with some kind of red spiraling plasma. An “Orbmobile,” if you will.


Oh, an airplane...

Just so you know, on film, the more light is blurred, the more round it appears. Hence, orbs. Stan’s first UFO on film is an “Orb cluster.” Hmmm...
Now, to further back up Stan’s story, there were plenty of eye witnesses to these next few sightings. Mostly, they were family, people Stan already knew, and people actively involved in the UFO community that Stan professed to ridicule at the time. Let me make sure, at this point in the article, that you realize that this in not a balanced newsworthy article. It is written from my perspective with my opinions. And my opinion is that a lot of “coolaid” was being passed around. What I mean, dear reader, is that Stan has a way of convincing people of what they just saw. “Look at that UFO! Did you just see that UFO? Did you see its red lights? Its organic nature?”
When the reporter asks what they saw, what do you think they might say? There were many other sightings over the next year or so. The interesting thing is that the UFOs
kept changing. There was no consistency in the reports so the reports didn’t support each other.

Next, we’ll talk about the mysterious mathematical equations that he started writing. The current statement on Stan’s website reads: Stan Romanek suffers from Dyslexia and has been affected by this learning disability all of his life. Because of this, Stan's math competency is at a 4th grade level and he has no idea what any of these equations or drawings mean. Hoping that the equations might in some way be of benefit and in an effort to find their meaning, Stan requested that all of the equations be openly shared. This is very interesting since he claimed early on (on TV show “Proof Positive”) that he has had his I.Q. tested at genius levels. There was no mention
of Dyslexia then...
Now his first equation was revealed to him July 2002 while under hypnosis. There are multiple problems with the reliability of hypnosis but we won’t go into that here.
Here is the first statement about the equation from his website:
Included in the equation is a formula depicting a helium atom bombarding element 115., Element 115 at the time did not exist. It was years later when element 115 would be experimented with.

Unfortunately for our hero, element 115 has been talked about since (at least) the mid eighties and was no secret among true UFO nuts. After all, it was one of the pieces of “alien” knowledge that Bob Lazar tried to use to prove his claims. The next statement on this equation went a little something like this:
Also included in the equation is a depiction of our solar system represented by ten dots and a circle. It wouldn't be until years later that scientists would discover a tenth planet in our solar system and name it, "Xenia" or "Planet X".
Now, if this knowledge truly came from outer space, they would have known that two of those ten planets didn’t qualify as planets after all. If they had qualified, many more objects would have also qualified creating a much longer list than ten. As it sits, we only have eight planets. Bummer. I miss Pluto. At least now we have “plutoids.”
Finally, the website mentions Drake’s Equation. This was an equation that surfaced in the early 60’s and was used to estimate the number of extraterrestrial civilizations in the Universe. Stan, supposedly knowing nothing of this equation (again, known by the UFO community), puts it at the end of his equation and multiplies it by 100! How is this proof of anything? Now, how about all of these scientists that are analyzing Stan’s evidence? As we know, throughout history scientists rarely agree on anything that isn’t proven. There are always different “camps” in the theoretical areas of science.
It seems all of Stan’s scientists are from the same “camp.” Let’s start with George Zeiler. He is the Deputy International Director of MUFON, the world's largest civilian UFO research organization. How impartial do you think he is? Next comes Dr. Jack Kasher. Now, while Dr. Jack has some educational credentials, here is the important part: Dr. Kasher is a consultant, state (Nebraska) director, and central regional director for MUFON, and has spoken more than two hundred times on UFOs. Cool. Well, how about Deborah Lindemann? Deborah has a private hypnotherapy practice, in Fort Collins, Colorado. Can you think of any time that hypnotherapy yielded bad, very bad, life destroying bad results? Might want to check into Satanic Ritual Abuse Syndrome... Now, let’s talk about Biophysicist William Levengood. Have any idea what he does with his education? He argues that crop circles are the real deal even though hoaxers have come forward to admit the hoax. Sigh. Finally, we have Dr. Claude Swanson. Dr. Swanson is the most impressive of Stan’s “scientists” but mired heavily in his own spin of the paranormal. He attempts to use physics to prove haunted houses and his results are questionable at best. He twists statistics to fit his hypothesis. He raises eyebrows but provesnothing.
Why aren’t the truly great scientists of our time weighing in on this? Well, one did...

After seeing what “Stan’s” scientists had to say, I was very curious what one of my heroes would have to say about these magical equations. Here is his reply:
“Hi, Baxter, In fact, I did look at these equations. He could have cribbed them from just about anywhere... college texts, the web... even Wikipedia. They're no more proof that he’s been in contact with aliens than his stories are. He has to show something NEW. Some fact we don't know. Not just rummage through the human attic and find a few things of which we're already aware.
Cheers, Seth Dr. Seth Shostak Senior Astronomer SETI Institute” I couldn’t have found a better voice for science and logic on this planet... As a footnote, Dr. Frank Donald Drake (of Drake’s Equation) is the founder of SETI. I think SETI’s senior astronomer might be a bit familiar with analyzing this kind of thing...
Stan’s aliens themselves have gone through drastic changes over the years. Here is a recounting of his first encounter with them:
“Stan started to get a horrible headache in the back of his head. He decided to go to bed early to relieve it. He eventually did fall asleep, but he was awakened at 2:00 AM by a knock at the door. Stan remembers three "people" waiting for him in the hallway. As he approached them, he realized that they were not fully human.”


Now, when you compare his drawing to the alien photos and film footage that he has shown at his lectures, you see that these things have no resemblance to anything he has captured on film. The things he has captured on film look stunningly like the aliens we see in movies, tv, and in other popular culture. Ok, so, when Stan awakened the next morning, these aliens had wounded him. They punctured him on the lower back and he had abrasions on his wrists. He even went so far to be amazed that they healed THIS MUCH in just a few days!


Sorry, but that looks like pretty normal healing to me. I’ve seen those Neosporin commercials. The next fun piece of convincing proof is how the wounds, even after healing, “fluoresced” under black light. We thought it would be fun to take our own photo of this phenomena.


The one on the left is Stan’s hand and the one on the right is mine. Amazing, isn’t it? Stan also went into his “implant” stories. One, he had in his hip, he dug out with a pocket knife in the presence of a physician. Um, no. a physician would not allow something like that to take place in his presence. An unsanitary knife? Unsafe conditions? Possible lawsuit? No. Anyway, this implant was looked at under some electron microscope somewhere. It appeared to be a mineral with hairs growing out of it and microchips were scattered on its surface. Stan’s wife hid the implant in a location that even Stan was unaware of. It was in a vial in the back of a radio.
Well, the Government knew! They shot a focused beam of vibration (or something) and broke the implant into three pieces. This is just a thought but bear with me...
What if the implant was something calcified in his leg? Under a microscope it might appear mineral after a few days of drying out. Salt is a common component of our insides and probably was present also. Salt is often a perfect cube under a microscope. These “microchips” were only viewed as being “perfectly square” and no circuitry was observed. When something is removed from our bodies, it is normally kept in a liquid of some kind. After a time of drying out, doesn’t it make sense that it would break apart all by itself ?
Soon, the Government would start playing a larger role in all of this. Stan was warned to keep quiet about the aliens. He was even savagely beat up! He had to move somewhere safe... How about Colorado Springs! There’s no military presencethere!
You people have no idea how hard it is sometimes to type these “facts” with a straight face... Is anyone with me when I say that if the government wants you to be quiet, they find a way to make you quiet?
Stan’s solution to the dilemma is to go and give lectures about how mean the Government is and to sell books and video to his audiences. The Government won’t get him then! Now, at a lecture we attended, Stan did show us a few photos of the aliens. They were hysterical. There were several photos that were taken of a dark field behind his house. When the photos were lightened, however, they were full of aliens. The aliens just happened to look like a seven year old had discovered Photoshop. There were armies of aliens (bad stick figure aliens) in these photos that were approaching Stan’s house. In some photos, they were spying on a family barbecue on the back deck. They would be peeking (looking NOTHING like a halloween mask or doll) from behind bushes. It was brilliant. The perfect plan to learn about Stan’s barbecue
sauce recipe... well worth traveling across the cosmos for.

The videos he showed at the lecture were... interesting. In one, he was awakened by a red orb (laser pointer) floating above his bed. He went out into the living room, luckily with his video camera, and was startled by a two foot tall blue alien doll that slowly looked around the corner at him from thekitchen. The “doll” was stiff and had to be held at an angle to give the impression of looking from behind the doorway. Stan has recently stated that he will no longer be showing that video because it looks too “fake.” Hmm. Go figure. The other video, well, you know about the other video. Let me jump forward in time a little bit... The last two days of May ’08 were very crazy this
year for me. On Thursday, Bryan, my paranormal partner in crime, called me and informed me that we were going to spend the evening recreating Stan Romanek's lousy
alien evidence. Why, you ask? Because a Denver man by the name of Jeff Peckman wants attention. Jeff Peckman is a sad, white haired (not that there is anything wrong with that) man. He is 54 years old and still lives with his parents. In my opinion, his life is amounting to nothing and he now needs to make a mark. So...
Peckman wants to have a Denver ET Commission so Denver can be the first to be prepared for their arrival. This is not only an additional strain on taxpayers but also is an embarrassment to the area! Peckman saw Stan's evidence and the two little scamps got together. They then announced on Thursday that they would be showing one piece of the "proof" for the press only on Friday. This “proof” was the video of an alien peeking into Stan’s window late at night. This is when I got Bryan’s phone call...


So, we spent the evening screwing around with a four foot tall alien prop from a costume shop. I brought my 14 year old son in for the fun. Also joining us were LU and Stu. We had a blast recreating the "evidence" that we felt was the most obviously fake from Stan's lecture. Wehad the most fun recreating the “smoking gun,” a video of an alien peeking into Stan’s window and then blinking. Stu was the genius behind the blinking in our video. That next morning I was awakened by a phone call from one of our local radio celebrities, Peter Boyles. They wanted me on his radio show at 6:00. I thought I should share the Hell and called Bryan and told him that they needed HIM
on the air in 20 minutes. Bryan took the opportunity and did a wonderful job on the show. Needless to say, that was just the beginning of one hell of a day. The two of us did more media in one day than we have done in the whole previous year! The phone just wouldn't stop ringing! The bad thing is that the press doesn’t listen to what you tell them. They get so damned starry eyed over whether they might get good ratings that they let the details drop. The main detail thatgot dropped by everyone in this story is the simple fact that Stan’s video was not leaked to the internet. The video that was circulating was the one WE created! No matter how much we repeated this detail, we were ignored. Everyone wanted the exclusive of Stan’s leaked footage. This has not worked to Stan’s advantage though. Having the video hidden would have created a marketing dream for when his “documentary” or whatever actually came out. Since it became such a media frenzy and there actually was footage to view that was comparable to his, people are roasting him for the bad quality. Funny. As bad as our video is, ours is better quality than his... When his does come out, he will really look bad.


I wouldn’t put it past him to try to re-shoot a better version. The amount of press that we handled that day was nothing compared to Stan and Jeff. They did all kinds of interviews. It was amazing how the story would change when they were asked why they couldn’t just show the “alien in the window” video to the public. Somewhere back between 2004 and 2005, the story was that Stan needed to hide his stuff for “security reasons.” Then, the story changed. The exact posting on the website was: “Stan's information has been temporarily taken off line while he prepares material for his feature film about the most amazing and important UFO/Alien/Government information yet, involving hundreds of witnesses, astounding video and photos, hard physical evidence, scientific discoveries, and more. No bull.” During the press siege the answers were “the scientists won’t let me,” “Stan sold his story to the History Channel and they won’t allow it,” and “Stan’s documentary will be available for sale in a few months.”
They even had a “film expert” analyze the footage. The reasons he gave as to why it couldn’t be faked were that the time-codes had not been altered which meant that there could have been no digital effects. This implied that the “blinking” was real and a cost of $50,000 was what it would cost to build an animatronic alien.


Next, since it was a second story window, the perpetrator would have had to have had scaffolding set up outside. Somehow, we were able to make all of these things happen for $90?
When I corresponded with this “expert” later, I found out that he was a longtime acquaintance of Stan’s and was on the production crew for the upcoming documentary! Vested interest, anyone? Stan is trying to get us to believe that aliens are an everyday part of his life. They spy on him, chase him, torment him, heal his wounds, give him incredible information, warn him of the government's plan to silence him, allow him to photograph them and show all kinds of questionable proof that they exist, and make darn sure that he doesn't look like a raving idiot in the process! These guys are great! So, if you were an alien that traveled incredible distances to visit us, wouldn't you make it your first priority (as a show of good will) to pick a dupe to make a complete fool of? I know I would. I now hear that Stan is making claims about us. His story is that we approached him some time ago and asked to come to his house. He had heard “bad things” about us and denied our request. We became “hellbent” on destroying him because of this denial. While it is true that we offered our services and he ignored us. We did not get “hellbent” over it. We instead watched who he did allow into his circle. He chose only those with a predisposition to crazy alien stories (believe me, there are plenty of them...). He made no effort to show any skeptic how real his situation was. Very telling, don’t you think?

When this came up at a later time being used as “proof” to push a stupid initiative through Denver City Council, we became a bit more “hellbent” to stop it. I want to make myself clear: Because of all of this hubub surrounding this recent alien crap, I felt it necessary to make it clear how I feel about extraterrestrial life. I am now being called a non-believer and debunker of all things alien. It has been offered that I may even be working for the government to help cover this up. Funny thing. I got my start in the
paranormal as a UFO investigator with the UFO International Association. I was inspired to pursue this because, as a result of a hypnotic regression, I was led to believe that I, myself, had been visited. My investigations led me to apply logic to the situation and eventually my brain overcame the stupid suggestions of the hypnotic regression.


I can assure you that hanging out with other selfproclaimed abductees is not too fun. Everyone either has the same recycled story or a completely contradictory story. The aliens that were abducting these people came in all shapes and sizes but all seemed humanoid. Even Star Trek was smart enough to make some of the aliens completely
different from us! Why hasn’t the Horta come to visit us?
I am not so stupid not to realize that there (mathematically) has to be other life in the universe. There is definitely some dispute about whether this other life has had opportunity to become advanced. Then there is the big question about what a master plan would be of these said aliens. Would it be to spend their resources to come here, run around naked with bodies that mechanically couldn't operate like ours in this gravity, and play jokes on us? That is a tough one. Sure, you can't solidly
speculate what the intentions of a said visit would be, but we can connect many reasonable dots and form some sort of a picture. Instead of making this article a huge document showing the arguments for aliens on Earth, I will just imply that there are some logical and compelling arguments that I'm sure you internet savvy people can unearth on your own. If aliens were traveling here and if they didn't feel that we were "ready" for them, they would use the utmost care in not exposing themselves. They would not choose select people to mess with because these people are "ready." That doesn't advance any cause they would have and would destroy the lives and reputations of these special people. "You can't make that speculation!" Peckman has been known to shout. Yes, I can.
Until we know more, we are forced to work with the information we have. Logic is logic no matter where you come from. Get over yourselves with that argument. It only goes so far. There is a lot of delusion in the paranormal community but the UFO community is at critical capacity when it comes to crackpots.


The lengths they will go to show government conspiracy is amazing and holds no water. Sure, the government likes to keep many things related to national security under wraps. That doesn't mean that we should be insulted and feel lied to. We have them for that purpose, remember? The government needs to be concerned with the possibility of aliens and they are concerned. They aren't going to discuss such a volatile subject with you, Billy-Bob, so get over it! The indisputable proof that ufologists
often show is the same damn proof that ghost hunters show and we all know how reliable that is. Do I think aliens currently being on Earth is possible? Sure. Do I think they are visiting Stan Romanek? Not a chance. Do I think that the government knows a lot more about the alien situation than I do? Sure. Do I think we need a local commission to make sure we reap the benefits of aliens among us now? Um, what the Hell are they going to do in this commission to guarantee that?!?
So, let’s recap. Stan’s story changes as it gets retold. He was genius, he is dumb, aliens were evil, aliens are wonderful, can’t show this because of security reasons, can’t show this because I have a movie coming out, can’t show this because the scientistswon’t let me.
The photos and video of the UFOs are easily reproducible simply from not knowing how to use your camera correctly. The amazing equations tell us nothing new and could have been gleaned from a variety of sources. His “scientists” and “witnesses” all have a predisposition to believing UFO stories or are already in the UFO community. All of his “evidence” is easily reproducible and doesn’t support itself (the wounds on his arms don’t directly support the equations or any of his video). This leaves us in a situation where we can only believe Stan’s story based on “because I said so.” Our government, which seems to be capable of many amazing and horrible things, can’t seem to silence this simple man. The best piece of evidence is a bad video of an alien puppet peeking in a window when they still have three pieces of an implant that could be analyzed?
The most telling aspect of this is Stan’s behavior itself. Let me illustrate. If you looked very young for your age and bragged about it, someone may challenge your claim.
Would you hide from the challenge? Would you only talk to those that already believed you? Would you complain loudly that this challenger is “hellbent” to get you? OR would you simply show them your evidence for closer inspection? Wouldn’t you LOVE to prove them wrong by pulling out your birth certificate and your driver’s license? Wouldn’t you invite them to view it with a smile on your face because you know you are right? Something is terribly wrong here. Stan continues to hide when there should be nothing to hide. The things he shows are easily picked apart and the alleged “great stuff” is not allowed to be shown for further analysis.
My assessment is that these claims cannot be proven with the evidence being presented. If there are aliens here, they have GOT to be laughing their asses off!
We can conclude this with some thoughts from some of the greatest minds of our time.
I asked James Randi, today’s leader among skeptics, if he thought all of the “experts” in Stan’s case had a vested interest. His reply was clear.
“Depend on it, the "PhDs" are the Sarfatti bunch, and they'll all be VERY supportive...” -James Randi “I am discounting reports of UFO's. Why wouldthey appear only to cranks and weirdoes? If there is a government conspiracy to suppress the reports and keep for itself the scientific knowledge the aliens bring, it seems to have been a singularly ineffective policy so far.”
- Steven Hawking
“I think that the alien abduction enthusiasts understand the need for physical evidence. It's the pathway to some degree of respectability. And for 40 years, they've been telling us that the evidence is just around the corner. It's about to be released, it's being studied at this moment - and nothing ever comes of it.”
- Carl Sagan 1934-1996


I have been following the debate between James Carrion (the international director of MUFON and a STAR team investigator) and the followers/defenders of Stan Romanek for the last few months. This along with the recent article by the Rocky Mountain Paranormal Research Society (RMPRS) describing Romanek, has me wondering if UFOlogists like to repeat history. I am sure that many in MUFON will disagree with me but this sounds way too much like the Ed Walters case from twenty years ago.
Romanek’s rise to prominence in the UFO community started in 2000-2001, when he began to present videos of UFOs near his work and home. Looking at his website,
I have to wonder if he was simply following the Ed Walters blueprint. Thesimilarities are rather interesting:
• Romanek - Presented videos of his
UFO encounters to UFO groups and
the local media
• Walters - Presented Polaroids and
videos to the local media and, eventually,
• Romanek - His car was pursued by
UFOs (across several states in one
• Walters - Aliens pursued him in his
truck on several occasions
• Romanek - Aliens came to his home
• Walters - Aliens came to his home
• Romanek - Was physically affected
by his encounters with the aliens
• Walters - Was physically affected by
his encounters with the aliens.
• Romanek - videos of UFOs look a lot
like balloons with flashing lights attached
• Walters - videos of red UFOs look a
lot like balloons with road flares attached.
• Romanek - wrote a book and was
rumored to have a History channel
program planned
• Walters - wrote a book and was rumored
to have a television program
offer on the table.
• Both proclaimed in their books that
their cases were “most documented”
or “most astounding”.
The only thing missing is the “model” in the attic. However, it really does not stop there. Just like the Gulf Breeze saga, an inner circle has formed around Romanek. They are close associates that will label anybody who questions the case and the evidence as “debunkers” or “government agents”. They speak for Romanek and protect the case because they have become personally involved to the point they will believe just about anything Stan says or presents as evidence. An excellent example of this is when Romanek failed a lie detector test hosted by “Coast-to-coast AM”. Not surprisingly, an unknown source named “Brent” came up with a ready made excuse for Romanek. According to this source, he knew the person administering the exam and the examiner went out of his way to falsify the results and trip up Romanek. This was widely circulated and the individual, who administered the test was labeled a “religious fanatic” (and probably a debunker). We don’t even know if “Brent” is who he says he is and if he actually knew the individual, who performed the test! It was simply accepted as fact. James Carrion’s recent concerns have to do with how the word “follow” is misspelled the same way (“fallow”) in several UFO reports that are being used to support the Romanek case. It is also misspelled the same way in a supposedly official
AF document found in Romanek’s mailbox. In order to find a way around this, Mrs. Romanek has presented the names of the individuals who supposedly sent these UFO reports. Apparently, Mr. Romanek can not defend his own claims and has chosen to have his wife “carry his water” for him in this debate. The bottom line is the Carrion wants to have the evidence scientifically evaluated by independent analysts. This is good science and should be applauded. It is too bad that Stan Romanek’s little circle is not going to allow a real scientific investigation to occur. Even if others offer to pay for such examinations, the group chooses to have some ready made excuse not to allow it to happen. When Romanek told ABC he had an X-ray of an implant in his leg, they offered to have it medically examined. He then proclaimed the implant has since “disappeared”. The best way to keep a farce like this going is to protect the “evidence”. Even Ed Walters knew this and he would not allow anybody, outside of his little circle, to closely examine his photographs. Just as this issue was going to press, James Carrion reported that Stan Romanek contacted MUFON in order to file a lawsuit against them. Apparently, he is really after James Carrion and not MUFON as a whole. I find it odd that MUFON’s leadership is not making a stand here. Is MUFON afraid to investigate, unable to investigate, or are they unwilling to investigate? In my opinion, it is time for those “movers and shakers” in the UFO community to demand that a full investigation be made by competent and independent investigators. Their silence on this matter is deafening. If the leaders of UFOlogy (assuming they do exist) want it this way, then they are just demonstrating that UFOlogy is not a “science” ,where standards of evidence apply in the search for an answer. Science can quickly identify a hoax by carefully examining the evidence. Perhaps UFOlogy should simply proclaim itself a “religion”, where you can pick and choose what you believe and disbelieve. Charlatans often find religious groups fruitful ground on which to flourish. This appears to be the case with the Stan Romanek saga. Is Stan Romanek the new Ed Walters?

Quelle: SUNlite 1/2010 - Baxter


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