Raumfahrt - Startvorbereitung von ESA asteroid Apophis miniature satellites mission


Exploring asteroid Apophis using miniature satellites


The scenario could be lifted straight from a disaster novel: On Friday, April 13, 2029-a date that alone might evoke unease-the asteroid known as (99942) Apophis will make a remarkably close approach to Earth, missing us by just 30,000 kilometers. Visible as a mere speck of light in the night sky from places like Wurzburg, this proximity provides a unique observational opportunity.

Apophis, measuring about 340 meters in diameter, poses a significant risk. Should it collide with Earth, the impact could create a crater several kilometers wide, potentially devastating a region as large as Central Europe, according to Jonathan Mannel, a research associate at the Julius-Maximilians-Universitat Wurzburg's (JMU) Space Technology Chair.

However, there is no immediate threat as NASA's calculations confirm Apophis will avoid Earth for at least the next century. Identified in 2004 as a potentially hazardous object, Apophis has been closely monitored by space agencies worldwide.

Research Opportunity Brought by Apophis
Asteroids are irregularly shaped celestial objects orbiting the sun. Approximately 1.3 million asteroids have been identified, with about 2,500 classified as potentially hazardous. This designation is given to near-Earth asteroids positioned within 20 lunar distances from Earth and larger than 140 meters.

The trajectory, structure, and potential interactions of asteroids when they pass near other celestial bodies raise several scientific questions. Apophis presents a rare research opportunity due to its size and the infrequency of such close encounters with Earth-events that happen once every 1,000 years. This situation offers a practical moment to potentially develop defensive strategies against asteroid threats.

Investigating Mission Concepts in Germany
Professor Hakan Kayal's team at JMU is exploring how Germany could contribute to studying Apophis through the NEAlight project, supported with approximately 300,000 euros from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. Under project leader Jonathan Mannel, and with research assistants Tobias Neumann and Clemens Riegler, the team is assessing three small satellite mission concepts derived from the 2023 SATEX project, which evaluated the capabilities of small satellites for interplanetary tasks.

The first concept involves a national mission where a small satellite would trail Apophis as it approaches Earth, documenting any changes through photographs and measurements. This mission faces numerous technical challenges due to the distance and autonomy required.

The second concept involves collaboration on the European RAMSES mission, which would employ a larger satellite equipped with smaller satellites, telescopes, and other instruments to monitor Apophis. Here, a satellite from Wurzburg would participate, potentially enhancing the scientific yield and reducing the technical demands on JMU's team.

The third concept proposes a brief encounter where a JMU-built satellite would pass close to Apophis to capture photographs. This mission would require minimal resources but offer limited observation time and potentially less scientific data.

Further Plans and Project Goals
By April 2025, Kayal's team aims to finalize the requirements for these scenarios, outline the mission architectures, and assess the feasibility of each approach. This effort will also inform future projects involving interplanetary small satellites aimed at other near-Earth objects or lunar missions.

Launched in early May 2024, the NEAlight project is set to conclude after a year, taking place at the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Extraterrestrial Studies (IFEX) at JMU's Chair for Space Technology. Funding for the project comes from the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) with an allocation of approximately 306,000 euros provided by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action.

Quelle: SD


Update: 18.07.2024



Asteroid Apophis will visit Earth in 2029, and this European satellite will be along for the ride

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