UFO-Forschung - The Pentagon’s UFO Report -Update-15



Wichtig für nationale Sicherheit

Pentagon gründet Ufo-Arbeitsgruppe

Die USA wollen die Bemühungen ihrer Ministerien bündeln, unbekannte Flugobjekte zu orten und zu identifizieren - das Pentagon gründet nun eine Ufo-Arbeitsgruppe. Es gehe dabei zwar auch um die nationale Sicherheit, aber nicht um kleine, grüne Männchen, sondern andere mögliche Eindringlinge.

Das US-Verteidigungsministerium gründet eine neue Arbeitsgruppe zur Untersuchung von Ufo-Sichtungen. Das Pentagon gab am gestrigen Dienstagabend (Ortszeit) die Einrichtung der Synchronisationsgruppe zur Identifizierung von und zum Umgang mit Flugobjekten - kurz AOIMSG - bekannt.

Das Gremium soll Bemühungen im Verteidigungsministerium und bei anderen Ministerien und Regierungsbehörden bündeln, unbekannte Flugobjekte "zu orten, zu identifizieren und zuzuordnen", wie das Pentagon mitteilte. Außerdem sollten mögliche "Risiken für die Sicherheit von Flügen und die nationale Sicherheit" bewertet und angegangen werden. Die Arbeitsgruppe löst eine bei der US-Marine angesiedelte Task Force ab, die sich bislang mit der Sichtung von unbekannten Flugobjekten befasst hatte. Angesiedelt ist das neue Gremium beim Verteidigungsstaatssekretär für Geheimdienstarbeit und Sicherheit.

Die US-Behörden vermuten hinter unbekannten Flugobjekten - im Pentagon-Jargon unidentifizierte Luftraum-Phänomene (UAP) - keine grünen Marsmännchen. Sie gehen vielmehr der Frage nach, ob sie es möglicherweise mit neuer Rüstungstechnologie von Rivalen wie Russland und China zu tun haben.


Viele Sichtungen, kaum Erklärungen

Im Juni hatten die US-Geheimdienste einen mit Spannung erwarteten Bericht über Ufo-Sichtungen des Militärs veröffentlicht - und dabei viele Fragen offen gelassen. Demnach gab es mit nur einer Ausnahme für keines der gesichteten unbekannten Flugobjekte eine Erklärung. Hinweise auf mögliches außerirdisches Leben fanden sich nicht: Der neunseitige Bericht ließ das Thema außen vor. Ausgewertet worden waren 144 Berichte des Militärs über Sichtungen zwischen den Jahren 2004 und 2021.

Bei einem Flugobjekt handelte es sich dem Bericht zufolge vermutlich um einen großen, Luft verlierenden Ballon. "Die anderen (Objekte) bleiben unerklärt", hieß es weiter. Zuvor hatten im vergangenen Jahr vom Pentagon veröffentlichte Videos von drei als "nicht identifiziert" eingestuften Flugobjekten Spekulationen angeheizt, wonach die US-Geheimdienste über Informationen über intelligentes außerirdisches Leben verfügen könnten.

Quelle: ntv


Update: 29.11.2021


UFOs over Northwest Florida? Pentagon investigating unidentified aerial phenomena in military airspace


The Department of Defense is following up this preliminary assessment of unidentified aerial phenomena with the creation of the Airborne Object Identification and ManagementSynchronization Group


WASHINGTON — Airspace across Northwest Florida could be one focus of an ongoing effort by the Department of Defense "to detect, identify and attribute objects of interest" in the skies.

The DoD announced Tuesday that it will continue the work of its Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF) with an initiative in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence & Security. That effort will carry the somewhat unwieldy designation of the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group (AOIMSG).

According to the DoD announcement, the AOIMSG's work will focus on Special Use Airspace as designated by the Federal Aviation Administration, which includes military operations areas.

A 2016 Federal Aviation Administration listing delineates areas at and around Tyndall Air Force Base in Panama City, Eglin Air Force Base stretching from DeFuniak Springs to Valparaiso, and in the Pensacola area, home of Naval Air Station Pensacola and associated installations as Special Use Areas.

Previously: Many in Northwest Florida want the truth about UFOs

The UAPTF, created in the wake of reports among military pilots regarding their observation of unidentified aerial phenomenon while in flight, issued a report in June that offered a preliminary assessment of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP).

In that assessment, which covered incidents reported between 2004 and 2021, the task force noted that most of the encounters "probably do represent physical objects," but goes on to all but reject reports that the objects "appeared to exhibit unusual flight characteristics."

Instead, the assessment suggests that the observations of unusual flight characteristics "could be the result of sensor errors ... or observer misperception."

Beyond that, the assessment notes that the task force analysis indicates that "when individual UAP incidents are resolved they will fall into one of five potential explanatory categories: airborne clutter, natural atmospheric phenomena, USG (U.S. government) or U.S. industry developmental programs, foreign adversary systems, and a catchall 'other' bin."

But, the UAPTF assessment also concludes that the phenomena "clearly pose a safety of flight issue and may pose a challenge to U.S. national security." As such, it recommends "increased collection and analysis (of UAP data), and a streamlined process for screening all such reports ... for a more sophisticated analysis of UAP that is likely to deepen our understanding ... ."

In announcing the ongoing work of the AOIMSG, the DoD noted that it "takes reports of incursions — by any airborne object, identified or unidentified — very seriously, and investigates each one."

Related: RAND says Eglin AFB test range should have higher priority for upgrades

The decision to create the AOIMSG is, in particular, motivated by a desire to "address the challenges associated with assessing UAP occurring on or near DoD training ranges and installations," the DoD noted in its Tuesday announcement.

The announcement notes a particular concern with UAP reports highlighted in the UAPTF's preliminary assessment, but publicly released information on the assessment does not indicate from which training ranges or installations those reports originated.

Quelle: Florida Today


Update: 8.12.2021


Pentagon UFO Rapid Response Teams Ordered Up by Congress

Teams of Pentagon and intelligence community experts would rapidly respond to military UFO sightings and conduct field investigations under newly unveiled defense legislation set to pass Congress.

Lawmakers also want scientific and technical experts to analyze data about the objects, or what the military calls unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAP, as well as any recovered materials or medical effects, according to the text of the annual defense authorization bill released Tuesday.

The bill requires all of the findings to be collected under a new joint UAP office and delivered to Congress in annual reports and biannual briefings to defense committees, marking the most significant UFO legislation ever passed in the U.S. following high-profile encounters with unknown objects reported by the Navy.

"Protecting our national security interests means knowing who and what are flying in U.S. airspace," Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz.), a sponsor of the legislation, said in a statement to "Right now, our system of tracking and identifying UAPs is scattered throughout the Department of Defense and other departments and agencies of the federal government." 

The expansive measures come just two weeks after the Pentagon announced a new group aimed at collecting and analyzing UAP incidents, sending a clear message that Congress felt the department's response was inadequate.

The Navy confirmed the authenticity of three infra-red videos showing unknown objects recorded during training exercises off San Diego in 2004 and off the East Coast in 2015. Over the past four years, fighter jet pilots and crew members have publicly said they witnessed unexplainable maneuvering, including a "Tic Tac"-shaped object with no visible means of propulsion and a flying cube inside of a sphere.

Theories on UAP range from drones or unmanned aircraft built by China or Russia to extraterrestrial or interdimensional visitors.

The new legislation to collect and analyze data on such incidents was sponsored in separate bills by Gallego and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), and was cosponsored by Sens. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).

In addition to the rapid response field investigators, Congress also wants the Pentagon and intelligence community to create a science plan to understand UAP that exceed the "known state of the art in science or technology."

The bill says the information could be used to justify requests for funding in the future to "replicate any such advanced characteristics and performance" -- or reverse-engineer the UAPs.

Incidents around nuclear facilities are also noted for special attention.

Congress has never before passed legislation on UFOs, and certainly nothing near the scope of the defense bill language, said Douglas Dean Johnson, a researcher who closely follows UAP-related developments in government, and who has reported extensively on the Gallego and Gillibrand proposals.

"I have looked, and I think you will not find anything. You will find cases where Congress engaged in discourse on the issue," Johnson said.

Famous UFO initiatives in the 1940s through the 1950s such as Project Blue Book, under the Air Force, and the Condon report, sparked during a congressional committee hearing, were done without any legislation.

Decades later, the military is set to embark on a new study of flying objects, but the defense bill makes clear it won't be on the Pentagon's own terms -- and that much of the findings will be shared with Congress.

In June, Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks ordered the Pentagon to create its UAP group on the same day the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released a long-awaited report about the military's encounters. That report found 80 incidents of unknown objects captured by multiple sensors and 18 sightings of objects that showed unusual flight characteristics.

The ODNI report concluded that UAP could pose a national security threat. "Additional rigorous analysis [sic] are necessary by multiple teams or groups of technical experts to determine the nature and validity of these data," the report said.

The Pentagon said its new monitoring and analysis group, called the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group, or AOIMSG, would be a more organized way to collect and analyze the reports. 

"We'll be as transparent as we can, but no, I don't want to leave you with the impression that there'll be sort of a regular drumbeat of, you know, of some kind of report that gets posted on a website, you know, every couple months," Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said when asked whether any UAP findings would be publicly released.

The group is run by Ronald Moultrie, the under secretary of defense for intelligence and security, and overseen by an executive council headed by Moultrie and Lt. Gen. James J. Mingus, director for operations for the Joint Staff.




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