Raumfahrt - ISS-ALLtag: Progress MS-17 cargo vehicle docks with ISS


The cargo ship delivered 470 kg of fuel for refueling to the station, as well as 420 liters of drinking water, 40 kg of oxygen cylinders, about 1, 509 kg of dry cargo, including various equipment and materials


Progress MS-17 transport cargo vehicle carrying more than 1.5 tonnes of dry cargo, fuel, and air reserves, docked with the Poisk module of the International Space Station (ISS) on Friday.

The Soyuz-2.1a launch vehicle was launched from the 31st platform (Vostok launch complex) of the Baikonur Cosmodrome at 02:27 Moscow time on Wednesday. After about nine minutes, the ship was launched into orbit. The Progress flight was carried out according to a two-day scheme.

The cargo ship delivered 470 kg of fuel for refueling to the station, as well as 420 liters of drinking water, 40 kg of oxygen cylinders, about 1, 509 kg of dry cargo, including various equipment and materials, resource equipment and maintenance equipment for onboard systems, clothing, standard rations and fresh food for the crew of the 65th main expedition.

Quelle: TASS

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