UFO-Forschung - Aus dem CENAP-Archiv: UFO-History Teil-357




Immer wieder (oder immer noch): Die UFO-Wirkung der Venus!

Sie wissen es ja: Die Venus ist derzeiten als UFO ganz groß in Mode


Die britische ufologisierte SUN ( ) hat zur Nachrüstung aufmunitioniert und greift sich jetzt eine äußerst wackelige, griechische UFO-Story mit venusischem Charakter, über die CENAP-Newsticker-Studenten ja nur noch die Mundwinkel hochziehen können, wenn sie dem Gesamtrahmen der ´Venus-Aktivitäten´ seit den letzen paar Monaten sich nochmals vor Augen rufen:


>Amazing UFO spot file leaked

Greece is in the grip of UFO fever after it was revealed three pilots all clearly spotted the ame alien craft. Frantic radio chats {???} were taped between the respected pilots - one bound for Britain - and airport control tower staff in the skies over Athens. But the recordings were hushed up by the Greek authorities who claimed what the pilots saw was just the planet Venus. The incident was seen by staff on board three jets more than a year ago.

The official aviation authority report - leaked to the Greek media - has only just been made public. It refers to "Lightning 2" as it reveals the Greek air force amazingly scrambled two F-16 fighter planes to intercept the UFO on November 11, 2007, at around 3.20am. The report says the captain of Olympic Airways flight 266 from Athens to London spotted an extremely unusual object moving erratically to the west of Athens. The object was star-like in appearance however much brighter and larger with a constantly shifting shape.


Meanwhile the captains of Olympic Airways flights 730 to Kos and 700 to Rhodes reported the same thing {was bedeutet, dass die Erscheinung weit weg war - und wirklich am am Himmel}. The sighting was then confirmed by Athens Airport control tower, whose employees observed the object moving towards Karystos, a small town on the Greek island of Euboea. At this point the Greek Air Force was contacted. Air force chiefs confirmed they too were visually monitoring the object from their radar station at the top of Parintha Mountain near Athens. And staff there observed that it was travelling at incredible speed and did not fit the description of any terrestrial craft. The air force radar station later described the UFO as large, of an unusual shape and very bright - and staff were also requested to photograph the craft. But so far no pictures have come to light. Two F-16s were then sent up to intercept the UFO, while the various control towers monitored the object from earth. The object then shot off at incredible speed skyward and the jets failed to indentify anything. Both staff at the Athens Airport and the Parintha Mountain Air Force Radar Unit later confirmed they clearly observed the object, but their radars picked up nothing {!}.<

Weiterführende Anmerkungen WW:


Was ist daran jetzt interessant? Ein paar Punkte schon! Zunächst lernen wir etwas ganz und gar wichtiges: Die SUN schaut sich schon nach für SIE interessante Abenteuer-Geschichten um, die Ausgangsquelle für die jetzige Story ist: (mit kurzem Video und einer erstaunlich ruhigen und ohne von Panik gekennzeichneten und eher leicht heiteren Note in der Funkverkehrsaufnahme*) sowie . Übrigens findet sich hier auch Auszüge aus dem offiziellen Bericht mit einer Reihe von schwarzen Punkten auf weißem Papier dazu, dies ist einfach die Darstellung des sternartigen UFO-Lichtes von einem der Zivilpiloten über die Zeit hinweg, wie er die ´Formveränderungen´ so nach und nach wahrnahm - und in dem Bericht heißt es auch, dass die zwei ausgeschickten F-16er KEIN UFO sichteten geschweige einem solchen ´begegneten´... Wichtig ist auch zu registrieren, dass die Sichtung zwar um 3:20 h gemeldet wurde, aber sich dann über Stunden hinwegzog und erst gegen 6:23 h der Luftwaffen-Jet-Einsatz, das ´Scramble-Manöver´ begann und mit Aufzug des Sonnenlichtes die Sicht auf das UFO verloren ging und es dann blitzschnell verschwand - was natürlich sofort an einen Überstrahlungseffekt erinnert, weswegen dann ein astronomisches Hingucker-Objekt "wie nach oben wegschießt" bzw es in Wirklichkeit nur so interpretativ wirken kann. Mit der durch die SUN aufgemachten "schnellen UFO-Drama-Nummer" hat dies also überhaupt nichts zu tun.


*= Zum Fall und Funkverkehr selbst äußerte sich bereits vor zwei Tagen der griechischstämmige Nick Balaskas auf der UFO Update-Mailingsliste so und entriß der Story ihre Luft:


"...Olympic Airways Flight 266 was a London to Athens flight (not Athens to London as in the article below). In the same clip the pilot of Flight 266 says that he thinks this light in the sky many be another aircraft at about the same height as his aircraft (which implies an elevation in the sky close to zero degrees). The pilot also says that this light is to his right and the Athens control tower says they have nothing on their radar {!}. These additional facts are very important in determining if this bright light in the sky was indeed the planet Venus. Since the reported time of this UFO sighting was 3:20 a.m. and sunrise in London and Athens for October 11, 2007 was 7:17 a.m. and 7:29 a.m. respectively, a difference of about 4 hours, it is possible that the bright light could have been the planet Venus seen just above the eastern horizon. The effects of atmospheric refraction so low in the sky would also make this star like light {!} seem to move erratically and to be constantly shifting its shape as was reported. If we assume that Flight 266 orginiated in Athens, then the light the pilot saw to his right would most certainly have be Venus. On the day of this UFO sighting, Venus was close to it maximum brightness. Did the pilot of the Flight 266 also report seeing Venus too - a very bright light very low in the sky that he could not be miss? Venus has frequently been confused as a UFO, even by experienced observers of the sky, especially when it is so low in the sky that it appears to be a distant aircraft flying at about the same altitude as Flight 266. It is easy to confuse the planet Venus with a UFO, especially during pre-dawn or post-dusk times on very dark Moonless nights as on the date of this reported UFO sighting.

Greek F-16s (and Canadian F-18s) are routinely dispatched to intercept unknowns over their territory (for example, Turkish jets probing our defenses or Israeli warplanes practising long distant bombings). The fact that civilian and military radars in Athens and in nearby Parintha Mountain did not pick up the UFO further suggests that the light seen by Flight 266 and confirmed by two other commercial aircraft (Flights 730 to Kos and Flight 700 to Rhodes) which would have been flying on easterly and southeasterly directions, was indeed Venus since this planet would have been visible very low in the sky in front of these two civilian aircraft."


Im Gesamtrahmen ´Venus als UFO´ lesen Sie bitte auch dies hier von Ian Ridpath aus England: (Astronomical Causes Of UFOs).







Wichtig und bemerkswert ist ebenso, dass die SUN den australischen Nachrichtendienst AllNewsWeb kennt. Aber sie nimmt nur diejenigen UFO-Geschichten auf, die die SUN als Sensationsblatt interessiert und vernehmen will, um sie farbigst hochgepimpt herauszubringen. Was nicht passt und kontraproduktiv ist, darüber fällt der Vorhang des Schweigens - die ufologische Omerta! Schlußendlich kam ja letzthin gerade vom selben Nachrichtendienst Mitte Januar 09 diese Geschichte auf, worüber wir berichteten: . Eine eigentlich schallende Ohrfeige für die Brit-Press - natürlich auch der SUN voran, die ja den ganze Quatsch losgetreten hat - und ihre bewusste, inszenierte Dummstellerei hinsichtlich den Himmelslaternen zwecks Verkaufserfolg als UFO-Storys! Doch wer weiß dies schon, wenn es nicht veröffentlicht wird, kommt man auch nicht in die Bredouille. Schweigen - und weiter gehts als wenn nichts sei. Typisches Cover Up aus Eigeninteresse. Dummsein kann man ja, wenn man etwas aus Uninformiertheit nicht weiß. Aber sich künstlich dummstellen trotz besseren Wissens ist mindestens Manipulation! Und die damit verbundene heftige Dauerhaftigkeit kann man auch nie und nimmer als ´Patzer´ entschuldigen.


Bedeutung der richtigen Wortwahl, dort liegt der Unterschied zwischen Lüge und Wahrheit - Wahrheit und Klarheit. Somit bestimmt man die Bedeutung und Aussage auch dessen, von dem was man liest! Und überall gibt es aus geschäftlichen Gründen professionelle Wortschrauber und Begriffspimper die uns als Rhetorik-Zauberer wie auf dem ´Fischmarkt´ (noch die harmlose Schublade) was vormachen wollen. Gerade meldete dies:


>Documents {!?} show Tonbridge UFO sighting

Defence officials examined {?!} a report of a UFO seen over Tonbridge last year, the latest documents released by the Government reveal. The Ministry of Defence releases details of the sightings of suspected alien ships each year. Amongst the reports from 2008 released last week was details of a sighting in the town at 12.55am on June 5.

"An object was flying around in circles at aeroplane level and sounded like an industrial train," the description of the sighting read. "There was a strange flashing on the object." Just over three weeks later on June 28, a further sighting was reported, with the location specified only as Kent. A statement accompanying the release of the details said the ministry examines the reports "solely" to establish whether the country´s airspace has been compromised by "hostile or unauthorised military activity". For more on this story, see this Friday´s Tonbridge edition of the Kent and Sussex Courier.<



Die ´Griechen´-Venus geht als UFO von der anderen Welt weiter um...

Griechen-Venus geht als UFO-Himmelsspuk weiter um..., klar!


Nun griff sich auch UPI ( ) die gestern dargestellte SUN-Story mit der eigenen Headline ´Report: Pilots spotted UFO over Greece´.


Und die SUN ( ) hobelte gleich super-dramatisch und UFO-SF-artig nach:


>Little Greek men

Jet fighters were scrambled after the pilot of a London-bound passenger plane spotted a UFO over Athens. The stunned captain reported seeing the weird, brightly-lit object after taking off from the Greek capital. He radioed the control tower to ask if there was another plane close by. Then he breathlessly told them: "I see on my right, at approximately the same altitude, an unknown target flying from south to east. Altitude and heading are not stable. It is increasing speed. Headings are erratic."

The Greek Air Force monitored the UFO from a radar station in nearby mountains before scrambling two F-16 fighters. But it quickly vanished before they were able to make contact. A spokeswoman for Olympic Airlines said: "I can confirm the incident. It is the first of its kind involving our pilots. They are all very experienced. I don´t think they´d make up something like that." Last night Greek Air Force officer Lt Col Dimitris Tsiroyannides finally confirmed the October 2007 sighting. He added: "Every October there are reports about the brightness of Venus and that´s what we think it was."

But UFO expert Mike Cohen dismissed that. He said: "It is hardly surprising that if aliens visit Earth they would take an interest in Greece, the cradle of Western civilisation."<


Und der ´Telegraph´ war wieder folgsam wie ein Schoßhündchen und schwänzelte brav der SUN nach - .


UFOs über England...


´UFO turbine results are in - ET is innocent!´ kam es vom ´Louth Leader´ ( ), was aber niemand in der normalen Welt wirklich überraschen wird:


>The damage to one of Ecotricity´s wind turbines on Fen Lane, Conisholme, was not caused by a UFO a report has concluded. Speculation reached fever pitch after a the Louth Leader reported a number of local people seeing strange lights in the sky in the vicinity of the wind park. But, following several weeks of forensic examination of the turbines components the manufacturer, Enercon, has today ruled out ´collision´ as a possible cause. An interim report has concluded that bolts securing the blade to the hub of the turbine failed due to ´material fatigue´. The bolts used to attached the blade to the hub of the turbine exhibited classic signs of fatigue failure.

Enercon have ruled out bolt defect due to the nature of the failure and the investigation is now looking into ´supporting components´ - those parts on either side of the bolts. If one of these supporting components failed it would induce stress in the bolts beyond their design limits and cause failure. Further tests are currently being carried out. Managing Director of Ecotricity, Dale Vince said: "We hope to have the results back in a few weeks. It´s a job of separating cause from effect now - we can see which bits are broken, but which bits failed first is the bit that needs forensic investigation - it´s all clever stuff" Ecotricity continue to liaise closely with The Health & Safety Executive and East Lindsey council. A thorough inspection of all the turbines at Fen Farm Wind Park has been carried out. Ecotricity, Enercon and the HSE have no concerns with the ongoing safety of this, or any other, wind park.

See Wednesday´s paper for more details and people´s views. What do you think to the conclusion? Email or call 01507 353200<


Bekanntlich waren wir nie davon überzeugt, dass da UFOs den Schaden verursachten, weil dies Miniaturheißluftballone der Kategorie Himmelslaterne gar nicht können. Von Anfang an, wurde dies glatt und ganz gerne übersehen. Nochmals die ´UFO-Beschreibung´ zur Story ´Fiery UFOs leave UK wind turbine in tatters´: "...the strange lights appeared to be something akin to fiery flying balls that seemed to effortlessly move around amongst the turbine towers..." Ein einziger Beobachter hat daraus die ´himmlische Feuerqualle´ gemacht, die pulsierenden MHBs als ´Feuerquallen´ wegen ihrer inseitigen ´Kerzen´-Flammen darzustellen ist uns gar nicht mal so unbekannt: "a massive ball of light with tentacles."

"UFO wind turbine ´broke due to mechanical failure not collision with flying object´ - The ?1 million wind turbine destroyed after mysterious glowing orbs were spotted in the sky was not hit by a UFO after all but broke due to mechanical failure, investigators have disclosed." - so kam es ausgerechnet vom ´Telegraph´ als UFO-Speichellecker der SUN,

"UFO ´did not damage wind turbine´... it was simply a faulty bolt" - ´Daily Mail´,





Quelle: Dailymail


Quelle: CENAP-Archiv



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