UFO-Forschung - IFO-Universität: Selfie Quadcopter Conquers Germany



Mini-Drohnen werden für den Otto Normalverbraucher erschwinglich und es wird zukünftig sicherlich auch bei uns im Stimulus Katalog berücksichtigt werden müssen. Schaun wir mal wann wir die ersten Meldungen von diesen Mini-Drohnen am Himmel bekommen. 



Selfie Quadcopter Conquers Germany.The Idea Is Genius...

Don't take another boring phone selfie until you've seen this...


This Germany Selfie trend is going viral worldwide...

Phone selfies are boring. People aren't doing them anymore and they've become unpopular...

First, there was the standard selfie, then the selfie stick, and now the next evolution of the selfie has arrived!

Nobody knows who did it first, but soon thousands of people in Germany started uploading incredible selfies from insane angles. They uploaded them to social media and soon EVERYONE wanted to do the same!

Now, this new type of selfie has taken off - Literally - across the world!

What are we talking about?

It’s the new Blade 360, a brand new type of drone made so that anyone can fly it. It's perfect for making the ultimate selfies!


The Blade 360 was designed by two German engineers who love drones. They found that the drones they had were very bulky, heavy and difficult to travel with.

So, they designed this ultra-compact, light drone, and all without sacrificing any of the main benefits of a top HD model.

It’s firm, it’s easy to control and it can live-stream and record to your phone!

People are using them to take 'the ultimate selfies' - the results are incredible...


How does it work?

We were surprised by how easy it is to set up! First, you have to install an app (just scan the QR code in the manual). It’s all very easy.

Once you have done that, just plug in the battery, connect to your drone and start up the app. In less than 10 seconds you’re ready to fly your drone!

And then the best part comes: flying is so incredibly easy. The controls are just superb, really intuitive. Flying the drone feels natural. A colleague’s kids happened to be at the office, and they figured it all out in seconds—on their first drone flight ever. It’s Just amazing how easy and smooth the controls are!

Once you’re in the air, it’s time to use the built-in camera. You can take the most stunning pictures and videos. Take videos from otherwise impossible angles and impress your friends with the coolest selfies!

See Blade 360 in action:

How Much Is It?

That’s what we all want to know, right? I guessed it would be like $300 to $400, but I was wrong. They sell it for only $84.99, (deal only available online, $150 in shops) which is tremendously cheap for a drone of this quality!

How to buy a Blade 360

That’s super easy. You can buy it from the official website.

This drone is perfect because...


What makes this drone so special?

The main benefits of the Blade 360 are its portability, price, camera and its ease of use.

The drone is the same size as a large smartphone. Combine that with its foldable rotors and you probably have the world’s most portable drone. It will comfortably fit in any pocket or bag!


Absolutely, anyone can easily fly this drone! Its controls were designed to perfection. The Blade 360 also has an incredible hovering capability. No need to focus on the height; just steer and enjoy the flight!

A drone with this name needs a quality camera of course. This drone is just perfect to take awesome pictures and videos.


When flying is so easy, you can fully concentrate on taking stunning shots. Film nature, friends and even yourself in amazing quality!


And so far, we have not even mentioned that the drone is made of ABS plastic. This makes the drone much lighter and stronger.

Last but not least, the price is just amazing. It’s less than $100 for a drone of this quality. This must be the single best price-quality drone there is!

Conclusion: Is it worth it?

Such a quality drone for this price makes us definitely say yes! Just think of the amazing pictures and videos you can take with the Blade 360. Even just the fun of flying a drone already makes this worth it. If you’ve never flown a drone, this is the moment you should start!


How To Get A Blade 360 Drone?

Now that you are aware of this amazing new drone, and if it’s still in stock, here is how to get one:

1) Order the Blade 360 from the official website.

2) Download the Drone app and connect to your smartphone (Android and iOS)

3) Start making amazing footage of you and your friends or family!

It’s As Simple As That!


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