Committee on Space Research cancels 41st assembly in Istanbul for security reasons
MOSCOW. July 22 (Interfax) - The assembly of the international Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), which was due to be held in Istanbul on July 30- August 7, was canceled for security reasons, COSPAR said.
"The most recent events in Istanbul, involving a coup from a faction of the national army against the Turkish government on 15 July, require us to cancel the 41st COSPAR Assembly," COSPAR President Lennard Fisk said in a statement posted on the organization's website on Friday.
This was a "difficult and sad decision, taken in consultation with the Executive Director of the COSPAR Secretariat and in consideration of the advice spontaneously expressed by several Bureau and Council members as well as COSPAR officers and Main Scientific event Organizers," Fisk said.
The previous conference was held in Moscow 2014, the 42nd one is due to take place in the United States.
"I am also certain of your continued interest in pursuing the noble goals of international cooperation in space research and in preparing for the next COSPAR Scientific Assembly that will take place in Pasadena in 2018," the COSPAR chief concluded.
Quelle: Interfax