UFO-Forschung - UFO-Absturz bei Roswell 1947 ? Teil-29


The Roswell Corner / Slip-sliding away
Iwas disappointed that the Roswell festival did not feature the release of the much talked out alien body slides the Roswell re- search team had been hinting about for some time. Rich Reynolds’ July 10 posting about how the slides might have run into legal issues, gave us more information from the commenter by the name of “Larry”, who claims to have seen the slides. Larry would then post his description on the UFO chronicles blog.
I had originally suggested it might be an aircraft crash victim but this description, if the height mentioned by “Larry” is correct, ap- pears to rule this out. The photographs seem to have been taken under low light conditions and the focus was apparently soft. “Larry” also added that there was no connection visible that stated there was any association with Roswell. It does not sound im- pressive and there can be a great many things this could be. If the placard (which was apparently describing what the body was) is any indication, it was on display for various people and not just the photographer. Is it possible that this was a public display for a museum, or freak show? If it is a “freak show” display, it could have been some sort of wax figure depicting some “freak of nature”. Perhaps the placard reads, “Half-boy, half-monkey - the missing link”. It would be appropriate that the “Roswell research team” would fall for this kind of thing.
As usual, Anthony Bragalia seems confident it has something to do with the Roswell crash. He would respond in a blog posting with the title, “Roswell, the slides and the truth”. Despite his proclamations in this piece, he only provides his word as evidence. I really have trouble with that based on his track record as I have demonstrated so many times in past issues of SUNlite. If the evidence that “The slides depict something that is bi-pedal and not known to Earth” is as solid as he proclaims, this evidence would have been presented to the public long ago. However, it would probably be scoffed at just like the “alien autopsy” film. The reason that the slides have not been revealed is that the “research team” fears one thing above anything else. They worry that the source of these slides may actually be identified as something other than an alien body. The internet is full of sleuths with access to all sorts of information that can reveal a great deal. If somebody were to identify this “body”, it would be an incredible failure on the “team’s” part. Therefore, I doubt the slides will ever be presented. UFOlogists always want skeptics/debunkers to “put up or shut up”. It is time for Bragalia, his cohorts, and the “owner” of the slides to come clean.
Quelle: SUNlite 5/2014
The Roswell Corner
Neoprene in the desert
Irecently read David Rudiak criticizing my neoprene tests that I published in SUNlite 4-4 and 4-5. When I published my first results in SUNlite 4-4, I recall that Mr. Rudiak’s main objection was that New Hampshire had too little sunlight and was too low an altitude to replicate the New Mexican desert. However, I did have James Carlson, who was in New Mexico, duplicate the test with very simi- lar results. Lance Moody’s results from Ohio also agreed.
Now Mr. Rudiak is complaining that I gave the balloon material TOO MUCH (not too little) sunlight by propping it up so it was con- stantly exposed to sunlight. He fails to recognize that my tests were NOT designed to duplicate the conditions that a balloon would receive on the Foster ranch. My goal was to see how neoprene reacted to sunlight and compare the results to the claims made by Roswell proponents, like Mr. Rudiak. I stated the two major claims I examined were:
1. The balloon would turn to ash after a few weeks or so in the desert.
2. The balloon material visible in the photographs were from a balloon that was quickly exposed to the sun and shredded to make
it appear like it had been left in the desert for several weeks.
In both cases, my tests (and the tests of Moody and Carlson) revealed that, even with maximum possible exposure, the neoprene materials did not do either. The material took about a week to darken like the material in the photographs and, even after 30 days of exposure to direct sunlight, the material did not turn to ash. This indicate that the two major claims made by Roswell crashologists about neoprene balloons are not supported by these tests.
Eeny, Meeny, Jelly Beanie, the Roswell secrets are about to be revealed!

Anthony Bragalia has once again done his best to promote Roswell. Now he is stating an avenue to pursue is to use “Remote viewing” to uncover the secrets of this controversial event. He recounts numerous attempts to identify where the debris and documentation is located. These sources are dubious and do not shed any light
on the matter. However, Bragalia points out that there must be something to re- mote viewing because the US government had attempted to employ this in the past. What he does not seem to understand is that the intelligence agencies use of remote viewing stopped because they determined that it was no better than guess- work.
Bragalia’s argument is not very convincing but it demonstrates how desperate the Roswell crashologists are becoming. Unable to find evidence that is convincing, Bragalia has determined that this kind of “hocus pocus” might uncover the precious proof. In my opinion, he could accomplish the same results using a deck of Tarot cards, an Ouiga board, horoscopes, or palm reading.
The “Roswell slides” slowly fading away into obscurity
Rich Reynolds, who has changed his blogs name from UFO Iconoclast(s) to UFO conjecture(s), is reporting that the Roswell in- vestigating team have lost control of the infamous slides. Apparently, the owner has chosen to go the route of having the slides shown on television. If this is true, expect the slides to appear with much fanfare. I wonder who the lucky network will be? I doubt it will appear on “NOVA”.
MUFON sparks USAF interest in saucer crash?
At least that is what Jan Harzan wants everyone to believe. According to the story, MUFON setup a crashed saucer model near Wickenburg, Arizona, for their investigators to train upon. A plane had spotted the model on the ground and, twenty minutes later, two F-16s from Luke AFB buzzed the site at low altitude. This was followed by a police helicopter, which also was interested in the UFO. Harzan then proclaimed the USAF does investigate UFOs and this is proof.
There could be another interpretation. The USAF could have been on a standard training flight that day and happened to fly near the site. Wickenburg is sandwiched between the Gladden Military Operating Area and the Alert area for student training (Luke is a pilot training facility). From the report, it seems they made a single high speed pass at low altitude. At high speed, the pilots probably wouldn’t have seen much more than a blur on the ground. They appear to be more interested in reaching a destination than observation of ground targets. I also find it interesting that Luke AFB would took twenty minutes to “scramble” two aircraft to a location only 40 miles away (about 5 minutes or less from Luke AFB). Meanwhile, the police helicopter may have been curious about what they saw on the ground while on routine patrol. MUFON/Harzan’s conclusions, like just about everything MUFON states publicly, is not based on facts but speculation based on a will to believe.
Quelle: SUNlite 6/2014
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