Raumfahrt - Rätselraten um Space Debris welches fast zwei Menschen erschlägt


Space Debris Fell From The Sky Nearly Killing Two People


Secaucus, N.J. Workers at the Water Treatment Plant in Secaucus, New Jersey, were startled when an object fell from the sky and nearly struck them.Operations Foreman Steve Bronowich said the falling piece of debris nearly hit and killed two of his employees.“They said like, what the heck is that, they haven't ever seen anything like that, it made a loud noise and then bounced,” Bronowich said.After some research online, the crew at the plant came to the conclusion that the falling debris was a heat tile from a space shuttle.“It was a white tile, it had three layers, there was ceramic, then a piece of metal, and then some kind of a rubber underneath it, and it was brown because it looked like it was burnt,” Bronowich described.NASA issued a statement and said it is unlikely that the object is from a space shuttle, since one hasn't been flown since 2011. They also said they had an accurate accounting of all the tiles from that launch and they don't think this tile is from a shuttle.



Quelle: Chasing

As a result, the mystery remains, what exactly was it that fell from the sky?
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