Raumfahrt - Ankunft von ISS-Crew 39/40


Cosmonauts Alexander Skvortsov and Oleg Artemyev and NASA astronaut Steven Swanson lifted off at 5:17 p.m. EDT on Tuesday from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan and expected to reach the station six hours later.

Instead, their Soyuz capsule reached the station at 7:53 p.m. EDT on Thursday.

“Better late than never,” said Navias, as the Soyuz was making its final approach.

Quelle: D-News


Russian spaceship Soyuz docks with ISS

The spaceship moored at the docking assembly of the Russian module Poisk at 03:53 in an automatic mode

KOROLYOV, March 28. /ITAR-TASS/. Russia's manned spaceship Soyuz TMA-12M with a new international crew of a long-duration expedition to the International Space Station (ISS), the ISS-39/40 mission, has docked with the Station on Friday, bringing Russian cosmonauts Alexander Skvortsov and Oleg Artemyev, and American astronaut Steve Swanson to orbit.

"The spaceship moored at the docking assembly of the Russian module Poisk (MIM-2) at 03:53, Moscow time, in an automatic mode," an official at the Flight Control Center (FCC) outside Moscow told Itar-Tass.

The arrivals floated through open hatches into the orbital station at 06:47 and were welcomed aboard by Mikhail Tyurin, Koichi Wakata, and Richard Mastracchio. All the crew members are feeling well, the FCC official added. The ISS crew membership has grown up to six. They all will be working together aboard the Station until May.

The ISS-39/40 mission will work in orbit for the planned 169-day period, during which the crew is to do a large amount of work, receive several resupply spacecraft and carry out extensive scientific research which includes 49 experiments under the Russian program and about 170 ones under the American one. Besides, during a spacewalk scheduled for August, the Russian cosmonauts are to launch a Peruvian minisatellite.

The spaceship Soyuz TMA-12M was launched from Baikonur on March 26 at 01:17, Moscow time. Originally, it was expected that the crew would be brought to the ISS in accordance with a short six-hour diagram. However, due to complications that arose in the operation of the spaceship's orientation syctem, a decision was made to switch over to a 48-hour diagram for docking.

In the history of the operation of the ISS, the first manned spaceship's flight according to a shortened six-hour diagram was made in March 2013 when the Soyuz TMA-08M delivered Russian cosmonauts Pavel Vinogradov and Alexander Misurkin and American astronaut Christopher Cassidy to the orbital station. A launch according to this diagram (spaceship makes only four revolutions around orbit) had been tried out in August 2012 by means of the Progresd M-16M resupply spacecraft.



The Soyuz TMA-12M spacecraft is just a few meters away from docking.


Expedition 39, now a six-member crew, talks to family and mission officials moments after entering the space station for the first time.

New Soyuz Trio Completes Two Day Trip to Station

A new trio of Expedition 39 flight engineers has arrived at the International Space Station after a two-day, 34-orbit trip. Soyuz Commander Alexander Skvortsov was at the controls of the Soyuz TMA-12M spacecraft when it docked automatically to the Poisk docking compartment at 7:53 p.m. EDT. Skvortsov was flanked by Flight Engineers Steve Swanson and Oleg Artemyev during the two day flight.
The crew opened the hatches to the station at 10:35 p.m. after a series of leak and pressure checks between the two spacecraft before . The new station residents entered Poisk and greeted Expedition 39 Commander Koichi Wakata of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency and Flight Engineers Rick Mastracchio of NASA and Mikhail Tyurin of Roscosmos.
After the welcoming ceremony and congratulatory words with family, friends and mission officials, the newly comprised crew conducted a mandatory safety orientation. All six crew members then will have an off-duty day Friday as they relax, having shifted their schedules to accommodate the busy launch and docking activities.
The original plan for the Soyuz to arrive at the station in just four orbits over six hours defaulted to the more traditional 34-orbit plan after the Soyuz spacecraft failed to conduct an engine firing early in the rendezvous sequence following launch to refine its orbit.
The Soyuz crew was safe the entire time as flight controllers replanned their approach and rendezvous. The two day launch-to-docking profile was the normal Soyuz mission profile used for years before Russian space officials began single-day launch to docking efforts in March 2013.
 As is customary, Swanson, Skvortsov and Artemyev will have several days set aside to familiarize themselves with their new home in space. The new trio will also assist the veteran crewmates as they adjust to living and working in space for six months.
Swanson, Skvortsov and Artemyev are scheduled to return home in September as Expedition 40 crew members. They will officially become Expedition 40 when Expedition 39 crew members Wakata, Mastracchio and Tyurin end their mission and undock in their Soyuz TMA-11M spacecraft in May for their return to Earth.
Quelle: NASA
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