UFO-Forschung - Project Blue Book - Teil-97



Project Blue Book case review: August-December 1967

This is the latest edition of the Project Blue Book case review covering August through December 1967. Like the previous evalua- tions, I tried to examine each case to see if the conclusion had merit. I added comments to help clarify the explanation or if I felt it was not correct or adequate. Items marked with red highlighting had photographs in the case file.



There were a lot of missing case files during this time period. I had 34 cases out of 265 missing or unable to locate (about 13%). It may have been the case, that the files were sent to the Condon committee or it might have been the case that Dr. McDonald or Hynek might have borrowed them when they were rummaging through the system and never returned them. Others are hard to find because of legibility issues related to the microfilm process. In any case, they were unavailable for evaluation, which is frus- trating.

The teenager factor was not as significant this period. Only 40 of the 231 cases were known to come from those 17 years or younger. That is about 17%. One of the cases was from an 8-year old. Most of them came from 12-14 year olds.

Photographs continue to be submitted with most, if not all, looking like blobs of light or potential hoaxes. I saw no photographs that were compelling to the point they deserved closer examination.

Satellites did produce UFO reports but not as many as the previous time period. Only 26 were identified as satellites. That is 11% of the total. Once again, the placement of the brighter satellites over the United States, during the early evening, played a role in how many satellites were reported as UFOs.

Next issue, I will be covering the time period of January-September of 1968. By the end of the year, I should be done with the last files in the system. If the reader would recall, I started with the year 1953. After 1969 is completed, I intend to go back to 1947 and move through 1952. I expect to be finished sometime in 2025. When that is completed, I intend to produce a summary of the entire Blue Book review.

Quelle: SUNlite 4/2023


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