Raumfahrt - Start von Mission zur Metallwelt von Asteroid Psyche -Update-7


Weather 40% Favorable for Friday Psyche Launch


A SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket with the Psyche spacecraft onboard is seen at Launch Complex 39A as preparations continue for the Psyche mission, Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023, at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Photo credit: NASA/Aubrey Gemignani

Weather officials with Cape Canaveral Space Force Station’s 45th Weather Squadron predict a 40% chance of favorable weather conditions for the launch of NASA’s Psyche mission at 10:19 a.m. EDT Friday, Oct. 13, on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket from Launch Complex 39A at Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

Showers and storms are expected at the spaceport late Thursday, lasting through the Friday launch window. Primary weather concerns at launch are the anvil cloud, thick cloud layers, and cumulus cloud rules.

The next available launch window occurs at 10:24 a.m. EDT Saturday, Oct. 14. Weather officials forecast a 70% of favorable conditions for this launch opportunity, with the cumulus cloud rule as the primary weather concern.

Quelle: NASA


Update: 16.10.2023


SpaceX launches Falcon Heavy on a mission for NASA from Kennedy Space Center


Liftoff of SpaceX's triple-core Falcon Heavy with NASA's Psyche spacecraft at 10:19 a.m. EDT on Friday from Kennedy Space Center, followed by a double booster landing at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station a short time later.

It's SpaceX Falcon Heavy launch (and landing) day!

Watch above and follow live updates below as SpaceX teams at Kennedy Space Center in Florida work toward liftoff of a triple-core Falcon Heavy rocket packed with NASA's Psyche spacecraft, followed shortly after by a double booster landing attempt at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station.

Liftoff of the Psyche mission is set for 10:19 a.m. EDT, pending favorable weather conditions.


10:29 a.m. EDT: The Falcon Heavy's dual side boosters have landed at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station's Landing Zones 1 and 2.


10:29 a.m. EDT: The Falcon Heavy's dual side boosters have landed at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station's Landing Zones 1 and 2.

10:19 a.m. EDT: The SpaceX triple-core Falcon Heavy has launched from Kennedy Space Center in Florida carrying NASA's Psyche spacecraft on a mission to study a metal-rich asteroid.

Sonic boom reminder: Expect sonic booms as the double side boosters target landing at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in about eight minutes.

Quelle: Florida Today

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