Raumfahrt - ISRO Aditya-L1 takes selfie, images of earth and moon; ISRO shares video



Aditya-L1 on Thursday sent pictures of the earth and the moon clicked by it as it heads towards the Sun–Earth Lagrangian point (L1).

ISRO shared the photos on Twitter: “Onlooker! Aditya-L1, destined for the Sun-Earth L1 point, takes a selfie and images of the Earth and the Moon.”


The images show VELC (Visible Emission Line Coronagraph) and SUIT (Solar Ultraviolet Imager) instruments as seen by the camera on-board Aditya-L1 on September 4.

According to Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), the second earth-bound manoeuvre was performed at 2.45 am on Tuesday from its tracking centre in Bengaluru.

ISRO said its ground stations in Mauritius, Bengaluru and Port Blair tracked the satellite during this operation.

The next manoeuvre is scheduled for September 10, around 02:30 hrs, IST, ISRO said. The Aditya-L1 spacecraft was put into low earth orbit (LEO) on Saturday.

Quelle: The Tribune India

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