UFO-Forschung - Weeding out The Weinstein catalog May 24, 1952 - Zuni, New Mexico



May 24, 1952 - Zuni, New Mexico


This is another Blue Book case with no other source of information. 

Blue Book

Blue Book classified this as a meteor. They had the following information about the sighting:

Two objects were visible in formation

The object(s) were visible for 15 seconds

It was visible at 0827Z on the 24th of May, 1952

The pilot’s aircraft was traveling towards an azimuth of 50 degrees. 

The object(s) appeared in front of the aircraft and traveled towards the south. 

They traveled an arc of 60 degrees and then disappeared.

They had an elevation of 45 degrees and descended slowly.

The object(s) were described as two reddish torpedoes with no distinct center.



This sighting has all the characteristics of a meteor. The object(s) did not change direction. The two objects traveled together. They lasted a short period of time and then “disappeared”. The description of their speed was fast. The only issue appears to be that the pilot reported two objects instead of one. Of course, this can be explained as a meteor breaking up/fragmenting, which is a common observation for fireball meteors. 


I see no reason to reject Blue Book’s explanation for this case and it can be considered a fireball meteor. It should never have been placed on the list in the first place. I noticed that Brad Sparks also listed this case in his Blue Book unknowns.3 It is not clear if he copied Weinstein or Weinstein copied him. This case should be removed from any UFO list.

Quelle: SUNlite 3/2022

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