Bauman University’s rocket installed at Baikonur launch pad

A Soyuz-2.1a carrier with a Soyuz MS-21 manned spacecraft named in honor of Sergey Korolev has been installed on the launch pad at Site 31 (Vostok) at the Baikonur spaceport, according to a broadcast on the Russian state space agency Roscosmos’ website.
Experts will now retract mobile service towers and then work will begin in accordance with the schedule for the first launch day. The launch is planned for 6:55 pm Moscow time on March 18.
According to the plan, Roscosmos cosmonauts Oleg Artemyev, who will be the second TASS correspondent in space, Denis Matveyev and Sergey Korsakov will travel to the International Space Station on the Soyuz spacecraft. The backup crew consists of Sergey Prokopyev, Anna Kikina and Dmitry Petelin.
The two-circle flight will last about three hours. The launch will be named after the Bauman University because the institution’s three graduates - Artemyev, Matveyev and Kosarkov - will be aboard the spacecraft. The third stage of the carrier rocket will bear the university’s emblem.
Quelle: TASS
Update: 18.03.2022
Start von Soyuz-2.1a carrier with a Soyuz MS-21
Quelle: Roscosmos
Soyuz Trio Docks to Station, NASA Astronaut Nears Departure
The Soyuz MS-21 crew ship with three cosmonauts aboard approaches the Prichal module for a docking in this view from the space station. Credit: NASA TV
Roscosmos cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev, Denis Matveev, and Sergey Korsakov on the Soyuz MS-21 spacecraft docked to the International Space Station at 3:12 p.m. EDT while the station was traveling 260 miles over eastern Kazakhstan. Coverage of hatch opening will air at 5:15 p.m. on NASA Television, the NASA app, and the agency’s website.
Once on station, the trio will join Expedition 66 Commander Anton Shkaplerov and cosmonaut Pyotr Dubrov of Roscosmos, as well as NASA astronauts Mark Vande Hei, Raja Chari, Tom Marshburn, and Kayla Barron, and ESA (European Space Agency) astronaut Matthias Maurer.
On March 30, a Soyuz spacecraft will return as scheduled carrying NASA astronaut Mark Vande Hei and cosmonauts Pyotr Dubrov and Anton Shkaplerov back to Earth. Upon their return, Vande Hei will hold the American record for the longest single human spaceflight mission of 355 days.
Quelle: NASA
Quelle: NASA-TV
Quelle: Roscosmos