Raumfahrt - Die russische Weltraumgesellschaft nutzt Drohnen auf der Suche nach heruntergekommenen Raketenfragmenten


Russian space corporation uses drones in search for downfallen rocket fragments


Experts of the Russian space industry enterprises rounded up the works in the designated areas of the downfall of stage one and stage two fragments of the launch vehicle

Experts from the Center for Operation of Ground-Based Space Infrastructure Facilities have for the first time ever used fire control drones to track down the fragments of the Soyuz-2.1a launch vehicle, which lifted off from the Baikonur Space Center on July 14 with 73 satellites aboard, the press service of Russia’s state space corporation Roscosmos said on Tuesday.

Experts of the Russian space industry enterprises on Tuesday rounded up the works in the designated areas of the downfall of stage one and stage two fragments of the launch vehicle.

"For the first time ever, the specialists of the Center for Operation of the Ground-Based Space Infrastructure Facilities used unmanned aircraft of the Grant family, which have the effective range of flight of up to 100 km, rise to the altitude of 800 meters, and register coordinate with the precision of up to 0.2 meters," a spokesman for Roscosmos said.

"Simultaneously, specialist did the search for and evacuation of stage two fragments and the nose cone in downfall area No. 401 located in the Sverdlovsk region and the Perm territory," he said.

Quelle: TASS


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