Raumfahrt - Ariane-5 wenige Stunden vor Start

Nach dem ein Streik von Arianespace-Mitarbeiter den Start von Ariane-5 am gestrigen Tage verhinderten, soll nun nach Streikende heute noch der Start erfolgen. Die Ariane-5-Trägerrakete soll TV-Satellit Arabsat 5C für den mittleren Osten und Nord-Afrika und TV-Satellit SES-2 für Nord-Amerika und die Karibik in die Umlaufbahn bringen.

Arianespace Flight VA204: Ariane 5 ECA - ARABSAT 5C - SES-2 Launch slated on the night of 21 September

Kourou, September 21, 2011

Since the facilities at the Guiana Space Center are now available, Arianespace has decided to restart the launch chronology of Arianespace Flight VA204.

Flight VA204 will place into geostationary transfer orbit the telecommunications satellites ARABSAT 5C and SES-2.

Liftoff of the Ariane 5 ECA launcher is set for the night of Wednesday, September 21, as early as possible in the following launch window:

From 6:38 p.m. to 8:02 p.m., local time in Kourou, French Guiana 
From 5:38 p.m. to 7:02 p.m. in Washington D.C.
From 9:38 p.m. to 11:02 p.m. UTC, on Wednesday, September 21 
From 11:38 p.m. to 01:02 a.m. in Paris, during the night of Wednesday, September 21 to Thursday, September 22
From 00:38 a.m. to 02:02 a.m. in Riyadh on Thursday, September 22. 



Foto: Arianespace - Ariane-5

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