Raumfahrt - ISRO`s MCC-Aufnahmen von Mars-Oberfläche


This MCC snapshot covers a large region of mars from Coogon valles and Oxia Palus  at the bottom to focas region to the right top. Oxia Palus region has been studied to have abundant clay minerals. This is a map corrected MCC data set that can be overlaid on  existing maps derived from earlier Mars observation missions. High, low albedo regions along with many craters are seen.
This image was captured by MCC on April 14, 2016 from an altitude of 21,924 km and with a resolution of 1.1 km. It covers 2100 x 2100 area approximately.
Olympus Mons - a large shield volcano on the planet Mars
Valles Marineris
One of the brightest desert regions of Mars called Thymiamata
This MCC picture portrays a large area of Mars covering almost 1800 km x 1800 km.
Snapshot of Mars terrain captured from a distance of 26,300 km on Dec 30, 2015.
Mars full disc image from MOM
Olympus Mons
Pictures from Mars Colour Camera (MCC) onboard India’s Mars Orbiter Spacecraft
Henry Crater -image from MCC
Quelle: ISRO
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