UFO-Forschung - Archiv Öffnung in Schweden zu Ghost Rockets über Skandinavien 1946


On March 5 an experimental crowdsourcing platform will be released with the aim of solving the decades long Ghost Rockets mystery. The Ghost Rockets Investigation Portal (GRIP) is 3 years in the making and funded by Swedish innovation and cultural funds.
The platform will be released in conjunction with a feature length documentary that follows UFO-Sweden's attempts to solve the the Ghost Rockets mystery. The Documentary will be screened all over Scandinavia on broadcast television. Pre sales for the online version is available now.  
For more information about the mystery or how to watch the film, visit
for an early access of the Investigation Portal, visit
Crowdsourced investigation into a military archive
After a wave of sightings in 1946 the Swedish military set up a special investigation team. To investigate the sightings. Despite huge pressure from both the US and UK governments the Swedish military's Ghost Rockets Investigation committee failed to find an answer to the mystery. They did however leave behind thousands of detailed documents consisting of detailed military reports, sketches and witness statements.  
Since 1946 all documents that fit the category of the Ghost Rockets have been stored at the Swedish National Archive and recently these reports were declassified and cleared for public release. 
Over 3000+ Documents have been scanned in High quality color and OCR. While most of the documents are in swedish they are in the process of being translated by Swedish speaking community.
The documents themselves have been kept in excellent condition and contain beautifully detailed witness statements, diagrams and military correspondence both from within Sweden and abroad concerning the phorhonomina. This will be the first time the documents have been scanned and published online for the world to see. 
What if with today’s technology we can find something inside these documents and reports that the military missed? A pattern, a consistency, something that might reveal an answer. Inspired by a combination Reddit, Document Cloud and Wikileaks. The platform is designed so that users can find and tag metadata, navigate the archive visually using maps and collect clues to post verifiable theories. 
Im CENAP-Archiv liegen  zu den Ghost-Rockets ebenfalls viele Informationen und Unterlagen vor aus denen hervorgeht, es sich kurz nach dem Kriege "um Skandinavien herum" die Raketen-Technologie zu vielen Testflügen führte welche von England, Deutschland (Besatzungsmächte), Russland aus statt fanden.

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