Astronomie - SOFIA beginnt viertes Jahr der Beobachtungen von Planeten, Asteroiden, Sterne, Galaxien und mehr


NASA’s “flying” telescope, the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) aboard a highly modified Boeing 747SP jetliner, began its fourth series of science flights on Feb. 3, 2016.
This operational period, known as “Cycle 4,” is a one-year-long observing period in which SOFIA is scheduled for 106 flights between now and the end of January 2017.
“The Cycle 4 program will make more than 550 hours of observations,” said Pamela Marcum, NASA's SOFIA Project Scientist. “We’ll be studying objects spanning the full gamut of astronomical topics including planets, moons, asteroids and comets in our solar system; star and planet formation; extrasolar planets and the evolution of planetary systems; the interstellar medium and interstellar chemistry; the nucleus of the Milky Way galaxy, and nearby normal and active galaxies.”
SOFIA’s instruments observe infrared energy – one part of the electromagnetic spectrum, which includes visible light, x-rays, radio waves and others. Many objects in space, for example newborn stars, emit almost all their energy at infrared wavelengths and are undetectable when observed in ordinary visible light. In other cases, clouds of gas and dust in space block visible light objects but allow infrared energy to reach Earth. In both situations, the celestial objects of interest can only be studied using infrared facilities like SOFIA.
“During the February third flight, the target objects ranged from a young planetary system around the naked-eye star Vega, only 25 light years from us, to an infant star 1,500 light years away in the Orion star forming region,” said Erick Young, SOFIA’s Science Mission Operations Director, describing the science conducted on Cycle 4’s inaugural flight. “We also observed a supermassive black hole hidden behind dense dust clouds in the center of a galaxy 170 million light years away.”
Scientists from the University of Georgia, University of Arizona, University of Texas at San Antonio, and the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, plus their collaborators from institutions in the United States and Europe, obtained data using the Faint Object Infrared Camera for the SOFIA Telescope (FORCAST) mounted on SOFIA’s telescope for imaging and spectroscopic observations during the flight.
Later in Cycle 4, the SOFIA observatory is scheduled to deploy to the Southern Hemisphere for seven weeks in June and July 2016, with 24 science flights planned from a base at Christchurch, New Zealand. There, scientists will have the opportunity to observe areas of interest such as the Galactic Center and other parts of the Milky Way that are not visible or difficult to observe from the Northern Hemisphere.
The far-infrared High-resolution Airborne Wideband Camera-plus (HAWC+) will be added to SOFIA’s suite of seven cameras, spectrometers, and high-speed photometers during the latter part of Cycle 4. HAWC+’s optics, state-of-the art detector arrays, and upgradability will permit a broad range of important astrophysical investigations, including the unique and powerful capability of mapping magnetic fields in molecular clouds.
SOFIA is a joint project of NASA and the German Aerospace Center (DLR). NASA’s Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California, manages the SOFIA program. The aircraft is based at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center's facility in Palmdale, California. NASA Ames manages the SOFIA science and mission operations in cooperation with the Universities Space Research Association (USRA) headquartered in Columbia, Maryland, and the German SOFIA Institute (DSI) at the University of Stuttgart.
NASA's Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) takes off from Palmdale, California at sunset. SOFIA is a partnership of NASA and the German Aerospace Center (DLR); NASA and DLR have collaborated on a range of activities and signed agreements on June 16 to work together to reduce aircraft noise and advance research into rotorcraft.
SOFIA Cycle 4 Results
Prop. ID
(Queue) PI
(Affiliation) Proposal Title Instrument Awarded Time (hrs)
(US) Aneurin Evans 
(University of Keele) The Born-again phenomenon FORCAST 5.5
(US) Glenn Orton 
(Jet Propulsion Laboratory) 17- to 37-micron Photometry and Spectroscopy of Uranus and Neptune FORCAST 3
(US) Glenn Orton 
(Jet Propulsion Laboratory) Jupiter's Stratospheric HCN, Hydrocarbon and Temperature Fields EXES 4.5
(US) Robert Gehrz 
(University of Minnesota - Twin Cities) SOFIA Target of Opportunity (ToO) Observations of Bright Classical Novae in Outburst FLITECAM FORCAST 3
(US) Charlotte Vastel 
(Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees) Tracing the cold regions of a dense core with para-H2D+ against a bright continuum source GREAT 1
(US) Charles Woodward 
(University of Minnesota - Twin Cities) A Tale of Two Comets - The FORCAST Story FORCAST FPI_PLUS 10
(US) Doug Johnstone 
(National Research Council Canada - Herzberg Astronomy and Astrop) Monitoring the Far Infrared Variability of Deeply Embedded Protostars with SOFIA/HAWC HAWC+ 1.25
(US) Dan Clemens 
(Boston University) Magnetic Fields in The Low-Mass Star-Forming Dark Cloud B5 and B5IRS1 HAWC+ 4.5
(US) Kate Su 
(University of Arizona) Mineralogical Evolution in Extreme Debris Disks FORCAST 3.5
(US) Mikako Matsuura 
(Cardiff) A SOFIA study of SN 1987A's dust components FORCAST HAWC+ 5.6
(US) Philip Appleton 
(California Institute of Technology) Tracing Shocked gas in Stephan's Quintet and NGC 4258 with SOFIA FIFI-LS 3
(US) Therese Encrenaz 
(LESIA,Paris Observatory) A map of D/H on Mars using EXES aboard SOFIA EXES 2
(US) David Neufeld 
(Johns Hopkins University) Probing the molecular hydrogen fraction in diffuse molecular clouds with observations of HCl+ GREAT 3
(US) David Neufeld 
(The Johns Hopkins University) High frequency water masers with SOFIA/GREAT GREAT 6
(US) Dan Clemens 
(Boston University) Multi-Scale Probes of Magnetic Fields in HII Region Cores and Clouds with Zeeman Detections HAWC+ 7
(US) Dan Clemens 
(Boston University) Magnetic Fields Prior to Outflow Onset: GF 9-2 / L1082 C HAWC+ 4
(US) Christopher Tibbs 
(European Space Agency - ESTEC) Exploring the role of CII in current Spinning Dust Models GREAT 4
(DE) Jochen Eisloeffel 
(Thuringer Landessternwarte - Karl-Schwarzschild-Observatorium Ta) Studying the disk of the outbursting new FU Orionis object 2MASSJ0659 FIFI-LS FORCAST 1.5
(US) Andrew Harris 
(University of Maryland) Understanding the Galactic center's ionizing sources FIFI-LS 4
(US) William Langer 
(Jet Propulsion Laboratory) Dynamics of Spiral Arm Ionized Gas Observed in [N II] and [C II] GREAT 24
(US) Fabio Pereira Santos 
(Northwestern University) Magnetic Field Structure in Perseus at 0.01 pc Scale HAWC+ 11.3
(US) Carsten Kramer 
(IRAM) upGREAT [CII] observations in six HII regions of M33 GREAT 3.4
(US) Sarah Ragan 
(University of Leeds) Cooling in the Central Molecular Zone GREAT 3
(DE) Thomas Preibisch 
(Universitats-Sternwarte Munchen) Molecular excitation of a strongly irradiated pillar in the Carina Nebula GREAT 2
(DE) Henrik Beuther 
(Max-Planck-Institut fur Astronomie, Heidelberg) Outflow energetics and accretion rates in high-mass star formation FIFI-LS 2
(US) Daniel Walker 
(Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores Universit) Constraining the Temperature of an Extremely Massive Pre-stellar Core at the Galactic Centre FORCAST 1.6
(US) Sarah Ragan 
(University of Leeds) Tracing molecular cloud formation GREAT 2
(DE) Jochen Eisloeffel 
(Thuringer Landessternwarte - Karl-Schwarzschild-Observatorium Ta) Catching the next bright outbursting FU Orionis object on the rise FIFI-LS FORCAST 2
(US) Enrique Lopez-Rodriguez 
(University of Texas at San Antonio) AGN Survey to characterize the clumpy torus using FORCAST FORCAST 6
(US) Randolf Klein 
(Universities Space Research Association) The structure of a PDR -M17-SW FIFI-LS 3.5
(US) Andrew Rivkin 
(The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory) Characterization of OH and H2O in Asteroids FLITECAM 9
(US) Sadia Hoq 
(Boston University) Magnetic Fields in Infrared Dark Clouds HAWC+ 3.5
(US) Bernd Husemann 
(European Southern Observatory - Germany) How accurate is [CII] tracing star formation in nearby luminous AGN? FIFI-LS 11
(DE) Cristian Guevara 
(I. Physikalisches Institut der Universitat Koeln) [C II] 158 um optical depth and self-absorption GREAT 8
(US) Alexander Tielens 
(Leiden Observatory) Evolution of PAHs in PhotoDissociation Regions FLITECAM FORCAST 8
(US) Eric Omelian 
(NASA Ames Research Center/SOFIA) Probing Accretion in the Symbiotic Mira, R Aquarii FORCAST HAWC+ 1.5
(US) Carl Melis 
(University of California - San Diego) What is the unusual material orbiting the dustiest main sequence A-type stars HD 131488 and HD 121191? FORCAST 6.5
(US) Joseph Adams 
(SOFIA/USRA) The Dust Production Rate in the Fomalhaut Debris Disk FORCAST HAWC+ 11
(US) Kate Su 
(University of Arizona) Structure of the Iconic Vega Debris Disk FORCAST 5
(US) Alexander Tielens 
(Leiden Observatory) The large scale [CII] emission from the Orion molecular cloud GREAT 54
(US) Ian Stephens 
(Boston University) The Role of Magnetic Fields in High-Mass Star-Forming Filaments HAWC+ 8.3
(US) Joel Green 
(Space Telescope Science Institute) Exploring Protostellar Winds with [OI]: Constraining models of shocked gas and PDR using L1551-IRS5 GREAT 5.3
(US) Jonathan Tan 
(University of Florida) Peering to the Heart of Massive Star Birth - V. Highest Priority Massive Protostars FORCAST 8
(US) Constantine Tsang 
(Southwest Research Institute) Venus Atmosphere: D/H Ratio from H2O and HDO Measurements EXES 6.3
(US) Nicola Schneider 
(LAB/OASU, University of Bordeaux, France) The many origins of the [CII] emission in the Mon R2 region GREAT 2.5
(US) Frank Israel 
(Leiden Observatory, Leiden University) Large Magellanic Cloud observed by SOFIA/GREAT GREAT 1.5
(DE) Peter Scicluna 
(Institut fur Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik der Universitat) Origin of the IR excess of massive stars HAWC+ 10
(US) Shohei Aoki 
(Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali (IAPS), Istituto) Verification of CH4 on Mars and investigation of its temporal and spatial variations by SOFIA/EXES EXES 4
(DE) Miwa Goto 
(Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics) The Deuteration Ladder of H3+ EXES 2
(US) Tom Megeath 
(University of Toledo) FORCAST Spectroscopy of Orion Protostars: Probing Intermediate Luminosities FORCAST 6
(DE) Miriam Rengel 
(Max-Planck-Institut fur Sonnensystemforschung, Katlenburg-Lindau) Investigating the composition of Titan's stratosphere with SOFIA: time variability & intriguing unidentified signatures FIFI-LS 4
(DE) Friedrich Wyrowski 
(Max-Planck-Institut fur Radioastronomie) Ammonia as a probe of infall in high-mass star forming clumps, Part III GREAT 3.5
(DE) Denise Riquelme 
(MPIfR) High velocity gas at the edge of the Central Molecular Zone of the Galactic Center GREAT 2
(DE) Helmut Wiesemeyer 
(Max-Planck-Institute for Radioastronomy) Radiative torques and atomic alignment of FIR fine structure lines - a tool to trace magnetic field structure with the [OI] ground state transition ? GREAT 2.5
(US) Margaret Meixner 
(Space Telescope Science Institute) Measuring the Outflows from Massive Young Stellar Objects in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) GREAT 6.5
(DE) Silvia Leurini 
(Max Planck Institut fuer Radioastronomie) Far-IR cooling in massive YSOs GREAT 6
(US) Farhad Yusef-Zadeh 
(Northwestern University) HAWC+ Observations of two Galactic center Molecular clouds: G0.13-0.13 and G359.44-0.10 HAWC+ 6
(DE) Alberto Sanna 
(Max-Planck-Institut fur Radioastronomie Bonn) Investigating the atomic jet component in a O-type YSO FIFI-LS 1
(US) Leslie Looney 
(University of Illinois) Far-Infrared Polarization of the Disks around HL Tauri and DG Tauri down to 0.9% Fractional Polarization HAWC+ 4.5
(DE) Thomas Giesen 
(University of Kassel) Detection of 13CCC and C13CC in dense star forming regions GREAT 6
(US) Edward Chambers 
(USRA/SOFIA) Determining the nature of the [O I] emission from the DR21 outflow GREAT 1.5
(US) Els Peeters 
(SETI Institute) Aromatics versus aliphatics: revealing the structure of carbonaceous dust. FLITECAM 4
(US) Janet Simpson 
(SETI Institute) Unveiling the Star Formation History of the Massive Galactic Center H II Region Sagittarius B1 FIFI-LS 4.75
(US) Jorge Pineda 
(Jet Propulsion Laboratory) Joint Impact Proposal: A complete velocity resolved 3-D [CII] map of the M51 grand-design spiral galaxy: Unraveling the impact of spiral density waves on the evolution of the ISM and star formation. FIFI-LS GREAT 60
(US) Terry Jones 
(University of Minnesota) Grain Alignment in Class 0 YSOs HAWC+ 1
(US) B-G Andersson 
(Universities Space Research Association) Why are carbonaceous grains unaligned in the ISM? - HAWC+ polarimetry of IRC+10216 HAWC+ 4.5
(US) Nick Indriolo 
(University of Michigan) Water Vapor in Massive Protostars at High Spectral Resolution EXES 12
(DE) Juergen Stutzki 
(I. Physikalisches Institut, Universitaet zu Koeln) Joint Impact Proposal: A complete velocity resolved 3-D [CII] map of the M51 grand-design spiral galaxy: Unraveling the impact of spiral density waves on the evolution of the ISM and star formation. FIFI-LS GREAT 10
(US) Inseok Song 
(University of Georgia) Characterizing the Warm Disk with FORCAST Photometry for the Dustiest Debris Disk FORCAST 5
(US) Sylvain Bontemps 
(LAB) Studying the pre-hot core phase in a young and massive protostar in Cygnus X GREAT 1
(DE) Maria Kapala 
(Max Planck Institute for Astronomy) Spectrally Resolved [CII] Emission in M31: The Origin of [CII] from Metal-Rich Star-Forming Galaxies GREAT 4
(US) Gregory Sloan 
(Center for Radiophysics and Space Research, Cornell University) An infrared spectral survey of Galactic carbon stars FORCAST 4
(US) Inseok Song 
(University of Georgia) Characterizing the Disk of a Recent Massive Collisional Event FORCAST 6.5
(US) Jonathan Tan 
(University of Florida) Joint Impact Proposal: The Timescale of Star Formation - Astrochemical ages of molecular envelopes from para-H2D+ GREAT 8
(US) William Fischer 
(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) Characterizing Outbursting Young Stellar Objects with FORCAST Imaging FORCAST 5.5
(US) Graham Harper 
(University of Colorado at Boulder) Spectrally-resolved forbidden emission lines: new EXES constraints on accelerating flows from cool evolved stars EXES 4
(US) John Vaillancourt 
(USRA) Characterizing the FIR polarization spectrum in Galactic Clouds HAWC+ 7
(DE) Frank Bigiel 
(Zentrum fur Astronomie der Universitat Heidelberg) Calibrating CII as a SFR Tracer Across the Entire Disk of the Star-forming Galaxy NGC 6946 FIFI-LS 5.3
(US) Gary Melnick 
(Smithsonian Institution Astrophysical Observatory) [OI] and Why Outflows Under-Produce Water GREAT 3
(US) Antoine Gusdorf 
(Observatoire de Paris) Characterizing the Cep E protostellar outflow: the oxygen chemistry GREAT 2.5
(DE) Juergen Wolf 
(Deutsches SOFIA Institut, Universitaet Stuttgart) Stellar Occultations by Trans-Neptunian Objects and Centaurs FPI_PLUS 2.5
(US) Joel Green 
(Space Telescope Science Institute) The Evolution of FU Orionis Disks FORCAST 3
(US) Alberto Bolatto 
(University of Maryland) A GREAT View of the Multiphase Interstellar Medium GREAT 11.5
(US) Adwin Boogert 
(USRA/SOFIA) The Mystery of Sulfur in Dense Environments: EXES Spectroscopy of Sulfur Dioxide toward Massive Protostars EXES 4
(DE) G.S. Thushara Pillai 
(Max-Planck-Institut fur Radioastronomie Bonn) Magnetic Fields in Massive Filaments HAWC+ 6
(US) David Chuss 
(Villanova University) A Polarimetric Survey of the Cold Dust in the Central Molecular Zone of the Milky Way HAWC+ 6.6
(US) Crystal Brogan 
(National Radio Astronomy Observatory) Resolving the mid-infrared population in massive protoclusters FORCAST 12
(US) Min-Young Lee 
(Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA)) Unraveling the Physical Processes of Molecular Gas Excitation in N159W with SOFIA FIFI-LS FIFI-LS 13
(US) Jan Cami 
(SETI Institute) Revealing the formation of fullerenes in planetary nebulae. FIFI-LS HAWC+ 6.5
(US) Kazimierz Borkowski 
(North Carolina State University) Probing Supernova Ejecta Dust with Stellar Lightbulbs: MID-IR Imaging of G54.1+0.3 FORCAST 1.6
(US) Nick Indriolo 
(University of Michigan) Effects of a Past X-ray Flare of SgrA* : Highly Excited H3O+ in the Galactic Center GREAT 7
(US) Dominique Segura-Cox 
(University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign) Far-Infrared Polarization of Large-Scale Emission around Young Protostars: the TADPOL+E Survey HAWC+ 5.25
(US) C. Dowell 
(Jet Propulsion Laboratory) Environmental Correlations with Magnetic Field Structure in the Taurus L1495/B211 Molecular Cloud HAWC+ 8
(US) Tracy Huard 
(University of Maryland) Protostellar Luminosities from FORCAST FORCAST 2
(US) Diane Wooden 
(NASA Ames Research Center) FORCAST Observations of a ToO Comet FORCAST 1.5
(US) Erin Cox 
(University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign) Mapping the Intermediate-Scale Magnetic Field Around IRAS4A and Nearby Protostars HAWC+ 1
(US) John Carr 
(Naval Research Laboratory) Far-infrared OH Lines as a Proxy for Water Vapor Beyond the Snowline FIFI-LS 9.5
(US) Gordon Stacey 
(Cornell University) FIFI-LS Imaging of [O III] Line Emission in the Nucleus and Spiral Arm of M83: Tracing the Stellar Radiation FIelds FIFI-LS 5
(US) Benjamin Sargent 
(Rochester Institute of Technology) An EXES Medium Resolution Search for Formaldehyde Gas in the Class I/II Young Stellar Object IRAS 04278+2253 EXES 1
(US) L. Helton 
(Universities Space Research Association) An Examination of Dust Formation and Evolution in the Ejecta of Nova Sagittarii 2015 No. 2 FLITECAM FORCAST 8
(US) Benjamin Sargent 
(Rochester Institute of Technology) An EXES Low-Resolution Search for Formaldehyde Gas in the Protoplanetary Disk of DL Tau EXES 1.7
Proposals in the Do if Time category
Prop. ID
(Queue) PI
(Affiliation) Proposal Title Instrument
(US) James De Buizer
(USRA-SOFIA) Revealing the Embedded Structures and Sourcess within Giant HII Regions: The Northern Hemisphere Sample FORCAST
(US) James De Buizer 
(USRA-SOFIA) Revealing the Embedded Structures and Sourcess within Giant HII Regions: The Southern Hemisphere Sample FORCAST
(US) Robert Gehrz 
(Minnesota Institute for Astrophysics, University of Minnesota) SOFIA Target of Opportunity Observations of Galactic Supernovae and Supernovae in Nearby (D < 5 Mpc) Galaxies FLITECAM FORCAST
(US) Roberta Humphreys 
(University of Minnesota - Twin Cities) Cool Dust and the Mass Loss Histories of the Hypergiants FORCAST
(US) Göran Sandell 
(SOFIA-USRA) NGC7538 -the key to understanding the formation of high-mass stars HAWC+
(US) Mark Giampapa 
(National Solar Observatory) Seeing SPOTS with SOFIA: Starspot Photometric Observations of Transiting Systems FLITECAM
(US) Göran Sandell 
(SOFIA-USRA) An Unbiased High-Resolution Spectral Survey of LkHa 101 with EXES EXES
(US) Margaret McAdam 
(University of Maryland) Quantifying the Degree of Alteration and Identifying Silica Glass on Asteroids FORCAST
(US) Peter Barnes 
(University of Florida) The Assembly of a Massive Stellar Cluster FIFI-LS FORCAST
(US) Carl Melis 
(University of California - San Diego) Where does the dust produced in red novae outbursts go? FORCAST HAWC+
(US) Lauren Cashman 
(Boston University) Magnetic Fields in Nine Bolocam Molecular Clumps HAWC+
(US) Roberta Paladini 
(California Institute of Technology) FORCAST observations of RCW 49: the mini-starburst of the Galactic Southern hemisphere FORCAST
(US) Farhad Yusef-Zadeh 
(Northwestern University) FORCAST Observations of YSO candidates and Radio Filaments in Sgr C FORCAST
(US) Marta Alves 
(Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planetologie) Magnetic field in the NGC7023 photodissociation region HAWC+
(US) Michael Ressler 
(Jet Propulsion Laboratory) A Census of High-Mass Star Formation in the Galactic Center FORCAST
(US) Brett McGuire 
(National Radio Astronomy Observatory) THz Observations of Interstellar Ices: Expanding the Power of FIFI to Explore Solid-State Astrophysics FIFI-LS
(US) Loren Anderson 
(West Virginia University) HII Region Dynamics Revealed by [CII] Emission GREAT
(US) Marc Pound 
(University of Maryland) Polarized Dust Emission in the Eagle Nebula Pillars HAWC+
(US) James Jackson 
(Boston University, Institute for Astrophysical Research) Characterizing [C II] Emission from Galactic High-Mass Star-Forming Clumps FIFI-LS
(US) Alycia Weinberger 
(Carnegie Institution of Washington) Essential Properties of New Debris Disks HAWC+
(US) Jonathan Tan 
(University of Florida) The Inception of Star Cluster Formation: [CII] emission from IRDCs GREAT
SOFIA Cycle 4 German TAC Results
TAC results of SOFIA German Cycle 4 proposals
The SOFIA German Cycle 4 call for proposals (deadline July 10, 2015) generated 30 proposals. The SOFIA Time Allocation Committee (TAC) met at DSI/Univ. Stuttgart on September 1 and 2 to evaluate and rank the proposals by scientific merit.
The committee had the following members:
Function Name Institution
Chair Quirrenbach, Andreas LSW Heidelberg
Reviewer Boehnhardt, Hermann MPS, Goettingen
Reviewer Cesaroni, Riccardo Arcetri, Florence
Reviewer Glover, Simon ITA, Heidelberg
Reviewer Kramer, Carsten IRAM 30m, Granada
Reviewer Lis, Darek LERMA, Obs. de Paris
Reviewer Schneider, Nicola Obs. Bordeaux
Reviewer van der Tak, Floris SRON, Groningen
Reviewer Testi, Leonardo ESO/ALMA
The proposals were ranked in 5 categories:
5. Must do
4. Should do
3. Do if time
2. Filler
1. Don't do
Below we present tables for categories 5 (Must do), 4 (Should do) and 3 (Do if time). The entries per table are sorted alphabetically by PI name and do not represent a ranking within the category.
Category 5: Must do proposals
PI Institution Proposal Title Instrument Time Awarded [hrs]
Jochen Eisloeffel Tautenburg Studying the disk of the outbursting new FU Orionis object 2MASSJ0659 FIFI-LS / FORCAST 1.5
Silvia Leurini MPIfR Far-IR cooling in massive YSOs GREAT 6.0
Juergen Stutzki Uni Köln Joint Impact Proposal: A complete velocity resolved 3-D [CII] map of the M51 grand-design spiral galaxy: Unraveling the impact of spiral density waves on the evolution of the ISM and star formation. (*) FIFI-LS / GREAT 10.0
Helmut Wiesemeyer MPIfR Radiative torques and atomic alignment of FIR fine structure lines - a tool to trace magnetic field structure with the [OI] ground state transition? GREAT 2.5
Juergen Wolf DSI Stellar Occultations by Trans-Neptunian Objects and Centaurs FPI+ 2.5
Friedrich Wyrowski MPIfR Ammonia as a probe of infall in high-mass star forming clumps, Part III GREAT 3.5
(*) This joint impact proposal was strongly endorsed by the U.S. selection process.
Category 4: Should do proposals
PI Institution Proposal Title Instrument Time Awarded [hrs]
Frank Bigiel Uni Heidelberg Calibrating CII as a SFR Tracer Across the Entire Disk of the Star-forming Galaxy NGC 6946 FIFI-LS 5.3
Jochen Eisloeffel Tautenburg Catching the next bright outbursting FU Orionis object on the rise FIFI-LS / FORCAST 2.0
Miwa Goto MPE The Deuteration Ladder of H3+ EXES 2.1
Cristian Guevara Uni Köln [C II] 158 um optical depth and self-absorption GREAT 8.0
Klaus Huber Uni Hamburg Joint Impact Proposal: Exoplanets with SOFIA - long-term monitoring of stellar activity effects on multi-transit observations of the benchmark system HD 189733 b (**) FLITECAM / HIPO 0.0
Alberto Sanna MPIfR Investigating the atomic jet component in a O-type YSO FIFI-LS 1.0
Peter Scicluna Uni Kiel Origin of the IR excess of massive stars HAWC+ 10.0
(**) As this joint impact proposal was declined in the U.S. selection process, by the rules it is automatically declined in the German selection process.
Category 3: Do if time proposals
PI Institution Proposal Title Instrument Time Awarded [hrs]
Henrik Beuther MPIA Outflow energetics and accretion rates in high-mass star formation FIFI-LS 2.0
Thomas Giesen Uni Kassel Detection of 13CCC and C13CC in dense star forming regions GREAT 6.0
Maria Kapala MPIA Spectrally Resolved [CII] Emission in M31: The Origin of [CII] from Metal-Rich Star-Forming Galaxies GREAT 4.0
Thomas Preibisch Uni München Molecular excitation of a strongly irradiated pillar in the Carina Nebula GREAT 2.0
Miriam Rengel MPS Investigating the composition of Titan's stratosphere with SOFIA: time variability & intriguing unidentified signatures FIFI-LS 4.0
Denise Riquelme MPIfR High velocity gas at the edge of the Central Molecular Zone of the Galactic Center GREAT 2.0
Thushara Pillai MPIfR Magnetic Fields in Massive Filaments HAWC+ 6.0
Quelle: NASA
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