Raumfahrt - Erfolgreicher Start von Atlas V mit NROL-55 Satelliten


Atlas V to Launch NROL-55
Rocket/Payload: An Atlas V 401 will launch the NROL-55 mission for the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO).
Date/Site/Launch Time: Thursday, Oct. 8 2015, from Space Launch Complex (SLC)-3 at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California.
Webcast: The live broadcast time will be announced closer to launch.
Mission Description: The mission will be launched for the National Reconnaissance Office in support of national defense.
Thirteen CubeSats also will launch aboard the Atlas V aboard the NRO’s Government Rideshare Advanced Concepts Experiment (GRACE) auxiliary payload. Nine of the CubeSats are sponsored by the NRO, and four are sponsored by NASA. The GRACE payloads will be delivered to space on the Aft Bulkhead Carrier, located on the rear of the Centaur upper stage.
Launch Notes: NROL-55 will be the 58th Atlas V mission since the vehicle’s inaugural launch in 2002. The mission is ULA’s 10th of 2015 and 101st since the company was founded in December 2006.
Quelle: ULA
NROL-55 payload joins Atlas booster rocket for launch
This photo gallery shows the classified National Reconnaissance Office payload, already encapsulated in the 14-foot-diameter nose cone, being lifted atop the United Launch Alliance Atlas-Centaur rocket at Vandenberg Air Force Base’s Space Launch Complex 3-East pad. Launch of NROL-55 is planned for the morning of Oct. 8.
Quelle: SN
Update: 8.10.2015
Start von Atlas V mit NROL-55 Satelliten 
Quelle: ULA
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