Astronomie - Rosetta and beyond: tales of a mission that left a mark





Exactly ten years on since Rosetta arrived at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, we dig into how the intrepid explorer has transformed our knowledge of comets, revealed some crucial pieces in the Solar System jigsaw puzzle, and shaped how we develop new missions.

Introduction: ESA’s comet chaser

Rosetta arrives at Comet 67P: why does it look like that?

A first glimpse of comet science: after ten years of waiting

Science that sticks: most memorable scientific discoveries

Most detailed study of a comet: reshaping our understanding of the Solar System

Comet Interceptor: ESA’s next-generation comet mission

A fleet of Solar System explorers: Rosetta’s influences on Hera, BepiColombo and Juice

Completing the jigsaw: how ESA missions work together to unveil the Solar System



Rosetta remains one of the world’s most ambitious space exploration missions. It was the first spacecraft to fly alongside a comet as it headed towards the inner Solar System, watching how a frozen comet is transformed by the warmth of the Sun. It was also the first to land on a comet’s surface, with its Philae lander sampling the surroundings of its landing site and snapping close-up images.

In this article, we speak to seven scientists who were part of team Rosetta when it arrived at Comet 67P. All of them have gone on to work in current or future ESA space science missions.

Quelle: ESA

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