Scientists hope to use samples returned from the SPA to precisely measure the basin’s age, and improve their understanding of the early history of the Earth and other planets, notes planetary geologist Jim Head at Brown University, in Providence, Rhode Island.

Regardless of whether this information can be gleaned from the samples, the scientific value of Chang’e-6 samples, if successfully returned, will be very high, he says. They will be the first rocks ever retrieved from the Moon’s far side, which is dramatically different from the near side. “Obtaining dates and compositional information from the many hundreds of fragments sampled by the Chang’e-6 drill and scoop is like a having treasure chest full of critical parts of lunar history, and will very likely revolutionize our view of the entire Moon,” he says.


This view shows the shadow of Chang'e 6 shortly before landing.

Rock then dock

In the coming days, Chang’e-6 will face one of the trickiest parts of the whole mission — rendezvous and docking of the ascender with the orbiter and transferring the samples, says McDowell. “You have two robots orbiting the Moon separately at 5,900 kilometres per hour, which have to come together and touch each other gently without crashing into each other,” he says.

The Chang’e-6 samples’ trip home is expected to last about three weeks, ending with a return capsule piercing through Earth’s atmosphere and landing in the grasslands of the Siziwang banner in northern China’s Inner Mongolia autonomous region around 25 June.

Planetary scientist Michel Blanc at the Research Institute in Astrophysics and Planetology, in Toulouse, France, who watched the launch of Chang’e-6 on Hainan island a month ago and followed the key steps of the mission, says that the scientific impact of the mission cannot be over-emphasized, because it will not only bring the first sample from the lunar far side, but also from one of the lowest-altitude regions of the Moon, where the surface might be closest to the mantle.

“We planetary scientists are crossing fingers for the success of the rest of the mission,” Blanc says.