Luftfahrt - USA haben (CHAMP) Mikrowellenraketen entwickelt





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AFRL Directed Energy Directorate


High Power Electromagnetics


CHAMP System

The Counter-electronics High

Power Microwave Advanced

Missile Project (CHAMP) is an

unmanned system capable of

flying into a contested area and

disabling an adversary’s electronic

systems. It employs a high power

radio frequency technology, which

was developed over the past two

decades in the Air Force Research

Laboratory and tested through a

Joint Capability Technology

Demonstration(JCTD) program.

CHAMP offers a proven capability

that allows the Air Force to defeat

electronic systems in an enemy

structure without employing kinetic

weapons like bullets or explosives.

As such, CHAMP completely avoids

damage to infrastructure and

danger to life.

The CHAMP system is highly

adaptable and can be deployed

from a variety of platforms,

depending on mission needs.

Possible avenues for a CHAMP acquisition

strategy are being considered, though no

clear path has been provided. In the

meantime, AFRL is continuing its efforts to

hone the CHAMP capability, working

towards improving the size, weight, and

power. Though there are no planned

demos of HPM systems in the near future,

AFRL is deeply engaged in advancing the

technology to enable the next generation

of HPM-based weapon systems.

Active Denial System (ADS)

In addition to CHAMP, AFRL matured

another non-lethal HPM technology in the

last decade—the Active Denial System.

As proven during its Advanced Technology

Demonstration program, ADS is a long-

range, speed-of-light beam that causes

intense pain to targeted individuals without

resulting in any temporary or permanent

physical damage. AFRL has transitioned this

technology to the Joint Non-Lethal

Weapons Directorate and showcased it to

a host of potential customers, including

Homeland Security.

Quelle: AFRL



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