


The TDRS Project is building three space communications satellites that are part of a follow-on spacecraft fleet that will replenish NASA's Space Network. The TDRS Project Office at Goddard Space Flight Center manages the TDRS development effort. TDRS is the responsibility of the Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) office within the Human Exploration and Operations (HEO) Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington D.C. Operations of the network are the responsibility of the Space Network Project at Goddard.
In December 2007, NASA signed a contract for Boeing Space Systems to build two third generation TDRS spacecraft for launch in 2013 and 2014. An option for a third TDRS spacecraft was executed in 2011. Within the contract there were required modifications that would enable the White Sands Complex ground system to support the new spacecraft.
The January 30, 2013 launch of TDRS-K began the replenishment of the fleet through the development and deployment of the next generation spacecraft. Replenishment will continue with TDRS-L, scheduled to launch in 2014, TDRS-M which will be ready in 2015. These satellites will ensure the Space Network's continuation of around-the-clock, high throughput communications services to NASA's missions; serving the scientific community and human spaceflight program for many years to come.
NASA's Tracking and Data Relay Satellite Arrives at Kennedy Space Center
A truck hauls NASA's TDRS-L satellite to the Astrotech facility in Titusville for launch processing. The TDRS is the latest spacecraft destined for the agency's constellation of communications satellites that allows nearly continuous contact with orbiting spacecraft ranging from the International Space Station and Hubble Space Telescope to the array of scientific observatories. Photo credit: NASA/Charisse Nahser
NASA's newest Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) is in a temporary home at the agency's Kennedy Space Center in Florida waiting to be attached to a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket that will take it into Earth orbit Thursday, Jan. 23.
The TDRS-L spacecraft arrived at Kennedy Friday, Dec. 6. After being unloaded from a U.S. Air Force C-17 aircraft, it was unpacked and inspected to ensure it sustained no damage on its flight from the Boeing Space and Intelligence Systems satellite factory in El Segundo, Calif.
As a vital information pipeline for space-based research and exploration, TDRS fulfills NASA's broadest communication demands. For more than 30 years, the TDRS fleet has provided critical communication support to NASA's human spaceflight endeavors that began during the space shuttle era and continues with support of the International Space Station. It also provides communications support to an array of science missions, as well as several launch vehicles.
"The launch of TDRS-L ensures continuity of services for the many missions that rely on the system every day," said Jeffrey Gramling, TDRS project manager at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.
TDRS-L is the second of three replenishment satellites for the TDRS constellation, which currently consists of eight spacecraft. TDRS-K was launched in January 2013. The last of the three, TDRS-M, is on track to be ready for launch as early as 2015.
Of the 11 TDRS satellites launched, eight still are operational. Four of those already are beyond their design life. Two have been retired. One was lost in a space shuttle accident.
These three constitute the third-generation of TDRS satellites, which changes the location for communication signal processing of some services from the spacecraft to the ground. This change supports the evolving needs of the users, providing more flexibility and unique tailoring options for use of these services, including unscheduled access on demand.
NASA's Space Communications and Navigation Program, a part of the Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington, is responsible for the TDRS network. Launch management of the Atlas V launch service for TDRS-L is the responsibility of the mission directorate's Launch Services Program at Kennedy.
Update: 20.12.2013

The primary TDRS ground terminals are located near Las Cruces, New Mexico.  These two functionally identical ground terminals, White Sands Ground Terminal (WSGT) and Second TDRS Ground Terminal (STGT), are collectively known as the White Sands Complex. Customer forward data is uplinked from the ground segment to a TDRS and relayed from the TDRS to the customer spacecraft. Return data is relayed from the customer spacecraft through a TDRS to the WSC ground segment and then on to the customer designated data collection location. The three operational TDRS satelites are located in geosynchronous orbit above three different regions of the Earth. As the user spacecraft moves in its orbit, it will continually move from one TDRS to another.

Currently the TDRS team is working with the Space Network to upgrade the WSC ground system for the new generation of TDRS. This very intense process involves modernized Command and Telemetry systems, new generation Ground Based Beamformers (GBBF), two Ka-Band End-to-End Test Antenna systems, and SGLT upgrades associated with the new TDRS Spacecraft.  During this time, the Space Network remains continually operational with little to no interruption of service for the Space Network's customers.


Second TDRSS Ground Terminal at Dawn. Credit: W.R. Gardner (NASA)


The Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) Project is providing follow-on and replacement spacecraft necessary to maintain and expand the Space Network. The contract to build three additional TDRS spacecraft, known as TDRS K, L, and M, was awarded to Boeing Space Systemsin December 2007. TDRS K launched January 30, 2013, and TDRS L is scheduled for launch in 2014. TDRS M's launch readiness date is scheduled for 2015.  The contract also has options for one additional spacecraft, TDRS N. In addition to building the TDRS K, L, and M spacecraft, the contract also includes the modifications to the White Sands Complex (WSC) ground system required to support these new spacecraft.

The TDRS Project, established in 1973, is responsible for the development, launch, and on-orbit test and calibration of TDRS spacecraft. There have been four procurements of TDRS spacecraft, which include the Basic Program (TDRS F1-F6), the Replacement Program (TDRS F7), the TDRS H,I,J Program, and the TDRS K,L,M Program.  TDRS Flight 7 was a replacement for Flight 2, which was lost aboard Challenger in 1986.  The first seven spacecraft (TDRS F1-F7) are referred to as the First Generation, the H,I,J series are called the Second Generation, and the K,L,M series are known as the Third Generation.  TDRS F1-7 spacecraft were built by TRW (now Northrop Grumman) in Redondo Beach, CA.  The TDRS F8-10 (H,I,J) spacecraft were built by Hughes (now Boeing) in El Segundo, CA. 

The NASA Space Network consists of the on-orbit telecommunications TDRS satellites, placed in geosynchronous orbit, and the associated TDRS ground stations, located in White Sands, New Mexico and Guam. The TDRS constellation is capable of providing nearly continuous high bandwidth (S, Ku, and Ka band) telecommunications services for expandable launch vehicles and user spacecraft in low Earth orbit. Examples include: the Hubble Space Telescope, the Earth Observig Fleet and the International Space Station.  The TDRS System is a basic agency capability and a critical national resource.

This next generation space communications satellite is part of a follow-on spacecraft fleet being developed and deployed to replenish NASA’s Space Network. The TDRS Project Office at Goddard Space Flight Center manages the TDRS development effort. TDRS is the responsibility of the Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) office within the Human Exploration and Operations (HEO) Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington D.C. Operations of the network is the responsibility of the Space Network Project at Goddard. At Goddard Space Flight Center, TDRS is a part of the Exploration and Space Communications Projects Division (ESC), which is a part of the Flight Projects Directorate (FPD).

Quelle: NASA


Update: 31.12.2013


NASA Offers News Media Access to TDRS-L Spacecraft Jan. 3

NASA's Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS)-L will be the focus of a media opportunity at 10 a.m. EST Friday, Jan. 3, at the Astrotech Space Operations facility in Titusville, Fla.

Media  will be able to view the TDRS-L spacecraft and interview project and launch program officials from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md.; the Launch Services Program at the agency's Kennedy Space Center in Florida; and United Launch Alliance (ULA).

TDRS-L is scheduled to lift off on a ULA Atlas V 401 rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on Jan. 23 at the opening of a 40-minute launch window that extends from 9:05 to 9:45 p.m.

The TDRS-L spacecraft is the second of three next-generation satellites designed to ensure vital operational continuity for NASA by expanding the lifespan of the fleet, which now consists of eight satellites in geostationary orbit. The spacecraft provide tracking, telemetry, command and high bandwidth data return services for numerous science and human exploration missions orbiting Earth. These include NASA's Hubble Space Telescope and the International Space Station. TDRS-L has a high-performance solar panel designed for more spacecraft power to meet the growing S-band communications requirements.

Full clean room attire must be worn during the media opportunity and will be furnished. Journalists should not wear perfume, cologne or makeup. Long pants and closed-toe shoes must be worn. No shorts or skirts will be permitted. Some camera equipment may be identified by Boeing contamination control specialists as having to be cleaned before being taken into the high bay facility. Alcohol wipes will be provided. All camera equipment must be self-contained, and no portable lights are allowed. Flash photography will not be permitted, however, the facility has adequate metal halide lighting for pictures. Wireless microphones also are not permitted inside the high bay.

On Jan. 3, U.S.  media may proceed directly to Astrotech, which is located in the Spaceport Florida Industrial Park, 1515 Chaffee Drive, Titusville. Access will be available starting at 9:45 a.m., and the event will begin at 10 a.m.

Only media who are United States citizens may attend this event, per Astrotech rules. A government-issued photo identification, such as a driver's license or permanently issued NASA media accreditation badge from Kennedy will be acceptable. In addition, proof of U.S. citizenship also is required, such as a passport or birth certificate.

Journalists should call Kennedy's media update phone line at 321-867-2525 on Thursday evening, Jan. 2, to confirm the event still is on schedule.

Boeing Space and Intelligence Systems in El Segundo, Calif., built TDRS-L. NASA's Space Communications and Navigation Program, part of the Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington, is responsible for the TDRS network. NASA's Launch Services Program at Kennedy is responsible for launch management. United Launch Alliance provides the Atlas V rocket and launch service.

Quelle: NASA

Update: 4.01.2014

TDRS L readied for mid-January launch

The next-generation NASA science-relay satellite is being prepped for shrouding in the bullet-shaped nose cone that will shield it during launch Jan. 23.

At the commercial Astrotech processing campus in Titusville, the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite L, or TDRS L, is being readied to join NASA's constellation of communications satellites 22,300 miles above Earth.

The craft will be encapsulated next Wednesday, Jan. 8 and then moved across the river to Cape Canaveral on Monday, Jan. 13 for mating to its Atlas-Centaur rocket.

The United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 will carry the spacecraft on a two-hour flight to geosynchronous transfer orbit, the normal dropoff point for communications satellites. From there, TDRS L will maneuver itself into a circular orbit and undergo months of testing before being declared operational.

TDRS satellites date back to 1983 to establish communications with the space shuttle. The system has grown over the years to provide coverage to the Hubble Space Telescope, NASA's low-Earth orbiting satellite fleet and International Space Station.

Liftoff is planned for Jan. 23 at 9:05 p.m. EST.


Quelle: SN


Update: 14.01.2014


NASA moving satellite to launch pad





NASA’s Tracking and Data Relay Satellite is getting closer and closer to liftoff.


On Monday crews at the Astrotech Space Operations facility in Titusville are transporting the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite-L, TDRS-L for short to Launch Complex 41 at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.


The satellite has spent much of the month at Astrotech in Titusville, where crews have been working on it.


Images received from the Hubble Telescope and video of astronauts on board the International Space Station are sent to Earth through satellites like it.


TDRS-L is the second of three next-generation satellites to launch from Cape Canaveral to replace older satellites already in orbit.


The satellite will launched on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket on Jan 23. A 40-minute launch window opens up at 9:05 p.m.
Quelle: NASA



Update: 21.01.2014 


Go for Rollout, Launch Review Complete

Launch and mission managers gave a "go" to roll out the TDRS-L/Atlas V stack tomorrow at 10 a.m. following the successful completion of today's Launch Readiness Review at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The teams also confirmed the launch time of 9:05 p.m. EST on Thursday, Jan. 23 at the opening of a 40-minute launch window.  There is an 80 percent chance of favorable weather with just a minimal chance of a thick cloud layer. The temperature at launch time will be near 54 degrees with NNW winds 12 to 18 knots. The countdown for launch on Thursday will begin at 2:05 p.m.



Quelle: NASA


Update: 22.01.2014 

First after-dark Atlas V rocket launch of 2014 looking good

Atlas V booster rolls out early today in preparation for TDRS satellite launch

CAPE CANAVERAL — A 192-foot Atlas V rocket is scheduled to roll to its launch pad this morning in preparation for a 9:05 p.m. Thursday liftoff with a NASA communications satellite.
“We’re all excited to launch this critical national asset,” said Tim Dunn, the NASA launch director, after a Tuesday morning meeting confirmed all systems were ready for the countdown.
The forecast looks good for the year’s first night launch from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.
There’s an 80 percent chance of favorable weather during the 40-minute window at Launch Complex 41, with thick clouds a possibility.
On top of the rocket is NASA’s next Tracking and Data Relay Satellite, known as TDRS-L.
It’s the second of three updating a constellation that keeps the ground in near-continuous communication with International Space Station astronauts and with weather and scientific satellites flying in low Earth orbit, including the Hubble Space Telescope.
The voice and data communications the satellites support “touch each of our lives,” said Dunn.
The first in the series, TDRS-K, launched from the Cape on an Atlas V nearly a year ago. Combined, the TDRS-K and TDRS-L satellites and modifications to related ground systems cost $715 million.
Built by The Boeing Co., the new satellite weighs 7,615 pounds fully fueled and stands nearly 27 feet tall inside the rocket’s payload fairing, from its base to the tip of two giant antennas folded up like taco shells.
The launch would be the 43rd by an Atlas V, and the first of 10 missions United Launch Alliance plans from Cape Canaveral this year on its Atlas V and Delta IV rockets.
Quelle: Florida Today



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