Raumfahrt - Japanese astronaut encourages children to learn more about space exploration



Japanese astronaut Wakata Koichi has met with Japanese children living in the US. He encouraged them to get involved in the world, and learn more about space exploration.

The astronaut visited a Japanese school in a suburb of Washington, D.C. on Saturday. The pupils study there on the weekends. The language of instruction is Japanese.

Elementary, junior high, and high school kids took part in the event.

Wakata returned from his stay at the International Space Station in March of this year, after he completed his fifth space mission. He has participated in more missions than any of his compatriots. He traveled to the ISS last October.

The astronaut talked about his experiences on the ISS. He showed the children videos of experiments being conducted. He also showed them filmed scenes of daily life on the ISS.

Wakata said he wore socks made in Japan and ate Japanese space food there.

The children asked various questions about life in space.

Wakata expressed hope that the children will use Japanese technology to make the world a better place.

A junior high school student said she is impressed by the fact that Japan is supporting space missions. She also said she is happy that various Japanese companies are making things that are being used in space.

The child added that she wants to be involved in space activities, either on earth or in space.

Suwa Makoto is a new astronaut. He was selected by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, and he lives in the US. He was also there to hear Wakata's lecture.

Quelle: NHK

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