Raumfahrt - JAXA Launches Observation Rocket for Hypersonic Engine Test



The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, or JAXA, successfully launched an observation rocket from its Uchinoura Space Center in the town of Kimotsuki, Kagoshima Prefecture, southwestern Japan, on Sunday.

The S-520-RD1 rocket was equipped with test devices for a scramjet engine, which is needed for developing hypersonic aircraft that travel at five times the speed of sound, or Mach 1, or faster. Necessary data was collected through a combustion test during hypersonic flight.

A jetscram engine draws oxygen needed for combustion from the air during hypersonic flight. Unlike a conventional rocket engine, a jetscram engine does not need liquid oxygen and is therefore expected to be a basic technology for spaceplanes, which would travel between Earth and space, as well as for hypersonic aircraft.

After reaching an altitude of about 150 kilometers following the launch at 5 a.m. Sunday (8 p.m. Saturday GMT), the S-520-RD1, which is 9.15 meters long, separated the test equipment on the top of the vehicle.

The equipment increased its speed as it descended, and a combustion test was conducted for about six seconds when the speed reached Mach 5.5 at an altitude of approximately 30 kilometers.




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