Raumfahrt - Sarah Brightman startet Training für ISS-Aufenthalt



Sarah Brightman looks forward to singing in space
British singer will travel to the International Space Station
British singer Sarah Brightman has long been fascinated with space and the news that she will travel to the International Space Station fulfills a lifelong dream.
The soprano who sang I Lost My Heart to a Starship Trooper in 1978 and is known for performing as Christine in The Phantom of the Opera announced last year she would travel to the International Space Station.
She could be the first civilian in space since Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberté. Russia has limited space available for space tourism and slowed its civilian space program in 2010.
“That world has been closed off to us for a time, but it’s opening up to us again,” Brightman said in an interview with CBC News.
Touring in support of her album Dreamchaser, which will be released Tuesday, she says she has passed all the medical and psychological tests for space flight, but still has much to do to prepare for her adventure.
The classically trained singer is interested in participating in experiments that look at what happens in her body when she sings in space. And she wants to create an international concert in which she joins in from the space station.
Brightman even sees parallels between the rigours of touring and enduring the discomfort of space travel.
She says her new album tries to capture some of the optimism and excitement of life in the 1960s, when space travel was new.
“I was brought up in the 1960s and actually was lucky enough to watch on a black and white television screen the first man walk on the moon. Space exploration seemed part of what we were expecting as children and it seems that something completely out of the box that it is going to be a reality,” she said.
Although there is no definite date for her space flight, it is likely to be in 2015.
Quelle: CBC
Update: 4.09.2014

Sarah Brightman to start training for space station journey in January

Sarah Brightman will pay a total of $52 million for her next year’s flight on board of the Russian-made Soyuz spacecraft to the ISS
British famed soprano singer Sarah Brightman would begin pre-flight trainings for her journey to the International Space Station (ISS) as a space tourist early next year, instead of this autumn, Yuri Lonchakov, the head of the Russia’s Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Centre, said on Wednesday.
“She will begin trainings in the Star City in January of 2015 and therefore we are all waiting for her,” Lonchakov said adding that he believed “her training will be a success.”
Less than three months ago Lonchakov said that the famous singer had already passed a number of medical examination and tests and was ready to begin preparations for the trip to the ISS at the Star City space training facility in the Moscow Region in September or October.
Lonchakov’s earlier statement that Brightman could start her trainings this autumn was also confirmed in June by the president of the US-based company in charge of organizing her trip.
Tom Shelley, the president of US-based Space Adventures Ltd. company, said at a National Space Club Florida Committee meeting in June that Brightman, 54, planned to make the trip to the ISS in September of 2015 and this fall she intended to start the pre-flight trainings at the space training center outside Moscow.
"She is absolutely 100% committed. She's putting together her mission plan now,” Shelley said adding that Brightman wants to be the first professional singer ever to sing in space.
Shelley also said that Brightman would pay a total of $52 million for her next year’s flight on board of the Russian-made Soyuz spacecraft to the ISS, where she plans to spend 10 days as a space tourist.
Brightman, who starred in Andrew Lloyd Webber's “Phantom of the Opera” and is the world’s best-selling soprano singer with over 30 million of CDs sold, first announced her intentions to travel to the ISS as a space tourist in August 2012.
Last year the Russian Space Agency (Roscosmos) announced that it reached a relevant agreement with Space Adventures to proceed with the superstar’s plans of traveling into space.
If the British singer reaches the ISS next year, she will become the eighth space tourist in the world.
The pioneer space tourist is US entrepreneur Dennis Tito, who made the flight to the ISS in 2001 for $20 million and spent eight days at the station. The most recent space tourist at the station is Cirque du Soleil co-founder Guy Laliberte, who spent 11 days at the ISS in 2009 for $40 million.
The only female space tourist so far reaching the ISS is Anousheh Ansari, an Iranian-American engineer and co-founder and chairwoman of Prodea Systems. Her 12-day stay at the space station in 2006 cost her $20 million.
Update: 16.12.2014

Singer Sarah Brightman to travel to space station in 2015

Moscow.- British singer Sarah Brightman will travel to the International Space Station, ISS, in September 2015, the head of the Russian space agency Roscosmos, Oleg Ostapenko, announced on Monday.
"Early next year, Brightman will begin training for the flight," Ostapenko said at a press conference.
He explained that the training will last six months and may require Brightman to reside permanently at the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center, located on the outskirts of Moscow. That means she will have to take a brief respite from her musical career.
Brightman will get aboard a Russian Soyuz spacecraft for ten days accompanied by two astronauts, Sergei Volkov of Russia and Andreas Mogensen, from Denmark.
Once the training has been successfully completed, Brightman will become the eighth space tourist in history and the first since September 2009, when Canadian billionaire Guy Laliberte, the CEO of Cirque du Soleil, flew to the ISS.
At the time of the flight, Brightman will be 55 years old, becoming one of the oldest persons to travel into space.
Roscosmos, some experts and former Russian cosmonauts questioned the sincerity of Brightman's wish to fly into space, suggesting that, in reality, it could be just a marketing campaign to sell her records.
However, the performer herself confirmed that Roscosmos had informed her that she had successfully passed the medical and physical tests.
Trips into space for space tourists cost, in the case Laliberte, around $50 million.
Russia had previously decided to suspend tours to the ISS due to the shortage of living quarters now that the crew aboard the station has doubled to six members, and to the United States' decision to suspend its space shuttle program.
Update: 12.01.2015 

Sarah Brightman to start training for space journey Thursday

British singer Sarah Brightman who is set to go into orbit in 2015 will start her training in Russia's Star City space training facility on Thursday, January 15.
"She will arrive here on Wednesday, January 14, and will start her training the following day," the press service of the space training facility told TASS.
Brightman's flight is scheduled for September 1-11, 2015. She is expected to spend 10 days at the International Space Station (ISS).
Brightman, who starred in Andrew Lloyd Webber's “Phantom of the Opera” and is the world’s best-selling soprano singer with over 30 million of CDs sold, first announced her intentions to travel to the ISS as a space tourist in August 2012.
Expedition 45/46 crew members will include Russian cosmonaut Sergey Volkov and European Space Agency astronaut Andreas Mogensen.
The press service of the training facility said a 51-year-old Japanese businessman Satoshi Takamatsu, who has been selected as backup for Brightman, is due to come to Moscow on Wednesday and arrive in the Star City on Thursday together with the singer.
Takamatsu is the president of the newly created Space Travel company. He has already undergone medical tests and training at the Russian space agency, Roscosmos. The businessman is expected to be trained at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
The pioneer space tourist is US entrepreneur Dennis Tito, who made the flight to the ISS in 2001 for $20 million and spent eight days at the station. The most recent space tourist at the station is Cirque du Soleil co-founder Guy Laliberte, who spent 11 days at the ISS in 2009 for $40 million.
The only female space tourist so far reaching the ISS is Anousheh Ansari, an Iranian-American engineer and co-founder and chairwoman of Prodea Systems. Her 12-day stay at the space station in 2006 cost her $20 million.
Quelle: TASS
Update: 24.01.2015
Sarah Brightman Wields Ax During Space Survival Training
Sarah Brightman pitches in during an exercise that involves building a winter shelter with trees and fabric. In the event of an emergency landing, Soyuz spacefliers have to be prepared for such a scenario.
British superstar soprano Sarah Brightman got her hands dirty during a two-day survival training session that's supposed to get her ready for a 10-day, $52 million tourist trip to the International Space Station this fall.
She and other future spacefliers headed out from Russia's Star City cosmonaut training complex, near Moscow, into marshlands and a forest setting to practice the procedures they'd have to use in the event of a winter emergency landing. The team learned how to use the emergency kits that are included on the Soyuz spacecraft, how to build a lean-to or a teepee using tree branches and parachute fabric, how to build a fire and other survival skills.
During winter survival training, future spacefliers learned how to build a teepee for shelter and use the reflective blankets that are included in the Soyuz spacecraft's emergency gear.
Brightman was joined by the center's trainers as well as Russian cosmonauts Anatoly Ivanishin and Andrei Borisenko, Japan's Takuya Onishi, and NASA's Robert Kimbrough and Kathleen Rubins. Brightman's backup for the October tourist flight, Japanese entrepreneur Satoshi Takamatsu, also took part, the center said.
The 54-year-old Brightman, a singer best-known for her role in "Phantom of the Opera," started a weeks-long spaceflight training routine in Russia this week. During a Moscow news conference, she told reporters that she was "proud and honored and excited" to be part of the Russian space program.
"Being an artist, and [knowing] the result of making magic and making something that's beautiful, I do understand the amount of hard work that goes behind everything," she said. "There is nothing more beautiful than a launch, and there is nothing more beautiful than seeing cosmonauts, astronauts in space, and doing the things they do. ... I hope that with me coming into your world, that I can do as good a job as possible and come up to expectations. I will try as hard as I can."
Quelle: NBC-News
Update: 10.03.2015 
Soprano Sarah Brightman reveals mission patch, motto for space station flight
Soprano Sarah Brightman (left) talks about her personal mission patch for her self-funded trip to the International Space Station at a press conference in London on March 10. (@SarahBrightman)
March 10, 2015 — British soprano Sarah Brightman will be "chasing dreams" and "shaping futures" when she lifts off on a self-funded trip to the International Space Station in September, the recording artist said as she revealed her personal mission patch at a press conference in London on Tuesday (March 10).
Brightman, who first announced her plans to fly to space in 2012, has been training at Russia's Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center in Star City, near Moscow, since January. She is scheduled to launch on Sept. 1 as a member of the Soyuz TMA-18M crew for a 10-day stay aboard the space station, during which time she intends to become the first professional musician to sing from orbit.
"I'm trying to find a piece that is beautiful and simple in its message, as well as not complicated to sing," Brightman explained. "I've been working a little with my ex-husband, [composer] Andrew Lloyd Webber, who has actually come up with the most beautiful line for something. We are just taking it slowly at the moment."
Sarah Brightman's personal mission patch. (Sarah Brightman)
Brightman, who used the press conference to address the rumors she was not paying for the reported $52 million trip herself ("I can't contractually say what the amount is, but it's good that I paid for it myself because it is something I am very committed to.") also announced partnerships with UNESCO and the Challenger Center for Space Education to engage people, and especially children, in her mission.
"I hope I can encourage others to take inspiration from my journey, both to chase down their own dreams and to help fulfill important global objectives," Brightman said in video played at the start of the conference. "I have searched for ways to engage people via partners, who already operate a number of programs that have a global presence which positively impact individuals."
Brightman also spoke about her personal mission patch, a circular emblem that displays her chosen motto, "Chasing Dreams, Shaping Futures."
"'Chasing Dreams,' I mean this has been a dream of mine so obvious that's there, and 'Shaping Futures' is obviously space is going to be everybody's future," the singer said. "'Shaping Futures' is really about children and their future and what it is going to be."
Sarah Brightman poses for photos at her March 10, 2015 press conference revealing her mission patch. (@SarahBrightman)
The patch features the flags of the United States, United Kingdom and Russia, which Brightman said symbolized how she "went through the Americans to get to Russia" — via the U.S. space tourism agency Space Adventures — and represents her own country, Britain.
Central to Brightman's insignia is a stylized female figure soaring toward space.
"The figure in the middle was taken from 60s Russian art," she described. "I collect a lot of the [first cosmonaut Yuri] Gagarin posters from that time and art from that time. This is sort of taken from the idea of one of those."
"You can see performance in there as well, sort of going out to the heavens, going out to space," Brightman said.
The mission patch also depicts the space station, the star statue that greets visitors to Star City, the Earth, and the moon.
"I wanted to have the moon behind the figure because it was seeing the first man [walk] on the moon that made me realize that this was really something I wanted to do and it changed my life," Brightman said, referring to how seeing astronauts on the moon in 1969 challenged her to pursue her own dreams.
Soyuz TMA-18M spaceflight participant Sarah Brightman trains in a Russian Sokol pressure suit. (Sarah Brightman)
Beyond the symbolism of the patch, Brightman said that, above all else, she hopes the her spaceflight will help her better understand the Earth.
"In talking with everybody who has been up, they say they do understand our planet better after seeing how beautiful it is," Brightman said. "We always think in this whole idea of space how unimportant we might be, but actually I think we're incredibly important because we've been given this beautiful place to look after. It is up to us to look after it."
"I think when you are up there, you really, really see that. I want to experience that."
Quelle: SC
Quelle: Sarah Brightman
Update: 11.04.2015 
Space tourist Sarah Brightman, Japanese backup pilot to train at ESA, NASA
British singer Sarah Brightman, which is training at Zvyozdny Gorodok (Star City) outside Moscow for a space flight to the International Space Station (ISS), will continue her training and exercises at the European Space Agency (ESA) next week, a space industry source told Interfax-AVN.
"Sarah Brightman will undergo a training course at the European Space Agency from April 13 to 16. Then she will return to Russia to continue her training at the Cosmonaut Training Center," the source said.
Brightman's training at NASA is also scheduled for June 22-26, the source said.
"Sarah Brightman's Japanese backup pilot, Satoshi Takamatsu, will also undergo training at the ESA and NASA," he said.
The principal part of the training will take place at Zvyozdny Gorodok. The launch of a space vehicle carrying Brightman, Russian cosmonaut Sergei Volkov (who has already been to space twice) and ESA Astronaut Andreas Mogensen (the first Dane to go to space) is scheduled for September 1.
"The [training] program also envisions sea training to practice the spacecraft crew's actions in case of the landing capsule's splashdown. It will take place on the Black Sea from June 29 to July 3," the source said.
The crew's comprehensive test training is scheduled for August 6-7. "The principal and backup crews are to fly to Baikonur [space center] on August 19, where the final stage of the preflight training will take place," he said.
It was reported earlier that Brightman's flight to the ISS should last from September 1 to 11.
The British singer said at a press conference in Moscow that she planned to sing on board the station to the accompaniment of an orchestra on earth.
Brightman is undergoing a standard training program for flying to the ISS as a space tourist. Brightman and Takamatsu will train for half a year to master the systems of a Soyuz-TMA-M manned spacecraft and the Russian segment of the ISS, practice actions in case of an unscheduled landing in various climatic and geographic zones, take a medical-biological and scientific training course, and study the Russian language.
Sarah Brightman is a British classical crossover soprano. She was born in Berkhamsted not far from London on August 14, 1960. She studied at Egerton-Rothesay School, Grandison College, Elmhurst School For Dance, and Arts Educational School London.
On February 8, 2012, Brightman became a UNESCO Artist for Peace.
She announced her plans to go to space in 2012. Speaking at a press conference in Moscow on October 10, 2012, she said she had started dreaming about going to space while watching a TV broadcast of Neil Armstrong's and Buzz Aldrin's lunar mission in 1969.
Satoshi Takamatsu was born on May 5, 1963. He started his career at the leading Japanese advertising agency Dentsu and played a significant role in a number of its projects as a copywriter and creative director.
Takamatsu won numerous international advertising awards, including the gold at Cannes Lions festival (France), a Grand Clio (U.S.), the Grand Prix at ADFEST (Asia), the gold at London International Awards, and the gold at NY ADC (U.S.). He has been a jury member at numerous international advertising contests.
Takamatsu is the founder and CEO of the companies Space Films and Space Travel. Space Films is a film company providing support to space projects with assistance from the Russian, U.S. and Japanese space agencies.
Quelle: Interfax
Update: 14.05.2015

Sarah Brightman backs out of ISS flight

Soprano Sarah Brightman today announced she is backing out of plans to fly to the International Space Station later this year for personal reasons.
"Sarah Brightman announced today that she is postponing her plans to launch aboard the upcoming Soyuz TMA-18M spaceflight mission," read a statement on Brightman's Facebook page. "Ms. Brightman said that for personal family reasons her intentions have had to change and she is postponing her cosmonaut training and flight plans at this time."
Read the complete statement here
Eric Anderson, co-founder and chairman of Space Adventures, which has brokered flights of seven other space tourists to the station on Soyuz spacecraft, said Brightman's interest in spaceflight had inspired others to pursue their dreams.
He suggested Brightman might still be considering flying at a later time.
"We've seen firsthand her dedication to every aspect of her spaceflight training and to date, has passed all of her training and medical tests," he said. "We applaud her determination and we'll continue to support her as she pursues a future spaceflight opportunity."
Brightman, 54, had been scheduled to fly in September with with Russian cosmonaut Sergey Volkov and European astronaut Andreas Mogensen as a "spaceflight participant" with the station's Expedition 45/46 crew. Brightman helped design their mission patch.
She would have returned to Earth 10 days later with Mogensen and Gennady Padalka, who is already on the station.
Brightman's announcement came a day after NASA confirmed a two-month delay in the next launch of a Soyuz crew, from this month to late July.
That mission, and another crew's return home, were postponed while Russian officials investigate the cause of a recent failed cargo mission to the station that uses a rocket similar to the one astronauts launch atop.
The ripple effect of those delays could affect the timing of all this year's remaining crew and cargo launches. Brightman did not mention the failed Progress 59 mission or safety concerns in her statement.
Brightman is the world's biggest selling soprano with more than 30 million records sold, and has performed in film and on stage over three decades, according to her Web site.
She announced her intent to fly to ISS in October 2012, committing to pay roughly $50 million for the trip, according to news reports.
Her Web site's home page today still alluded to her cosmonaut training in Star City near Moscow, about which she had posted numerous pictures.
Brightman has dreamed of flying in space ever since watching the first Apollo moon landing in 1969, according to her Web site, which said she would become the first professional musician to do so.
Quelle: Florida Today

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