Raumfahrt-History - Die erste ISS-CREW - Teil1




97-10689 (October 3, 1997) ---The first International Space Station crew, from left Soyuz Commander Yuri Gidzenko, Flight Engineer Sergei Krikalev and International Space Station Commander Bill Shepherd, practice water survival skills in the Black Sea recently. The skills would be needed in the event a Soyuz spacecraft landed in the water rather than on land as is normal. The crew is scheduled to launch to the new station in January 1999 aboard a Russian Soyuz spacecraft.


JSC2000-04066 (12 May 2000) --- The ISS Expedition One crew takes a break from training in the systems integration facility at the Johnson Space Center for a crew photo. From the left are cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev, flight engineer; astronaut William Shepherd, mission commander; and cosmonaut Yuri Gidzenko, Soyuz commander. Behind them is the full fuselage trainer (FFT), one of the full-scale mockups used to prepare the crew for certain phases and contingencies of their shuttle return flight.


JSC2000-05365 (7 June 2000) --- Equipped with an Orlan space suit, cosmonaut Yuri Gidzenko is just about to begin an underwater spacewalk simulation in the Hydrolab facility at the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center in Russia. Gidzenko, Soyuz commander for the Expedition One crew, was joined by astronaut William Shepherd, mission commander, for the extravehicular activity (EVA) rehearsal.


JSC2000-E-18630 (June 2000) --- A wide shot of the Zvezda Service Module trainer/mockup, with the transfer compartment in the foreground, displays the site of a great deal of training activity by astronauts and cosmonauts in training for ISS expeditions.


JSC2000-E-27081 (20 October 2000) --- Expedition One commander William M. (Bill) Shepherd gets help with his Sokol suit prior to a simulation at Baikonur. Also donning suits are Soyuz pilot Yuri P. Gidzenko (seated at center) and flight engineer Sergei K. Krikalev.


ISS01-S-007 (20 October 2000) --- Appearing ready for their rapidly-approaching date with the International Space Station (ISS) are (seated, from the left) astronaut William M. Shepherd, Expedition One commander; with cosmonauts Yuri P. Gidzenko, Soyuz commander; and Sergei K. Krikalev, flight engineer. Behind them are the backup crewmembers (from left)-- astronaut Kenneth D. Bowersox with cosmonauts Vladimir N. Dezhurov and Mikhail Turin.


JSC2000-E-28201 (29 October 2000) --- The Soyuz rocket moves toward the launch pad at the Baikonur complex in Kazakhstan.


ISS01-323-012 (9 November 2000) --- Cosmonaut Sergei K. Krikalev takes still pictures inside the Zvezda Service Module a few days after the arrival of the International Space Station's first crew. Krikalev, Expedition One flight engineer, represents the Russian Aviation and Space Agency. This is one of the first film images released from the Expedition One crew.


ISS01-324-002 (18 November 2000) --- A Progress supply ship linked up to the orbiting International Space Station (ISS) at 3:48 GMT, November 18, bringing Expedition One commander William M. Shepherd, pilot Yuri P. Gidzenko and flight engineer Sergei K. Krikalev two tons of food, clothing, hardware and holiday gifts from their families. The photograph was taken with a 35mm camera and the film was later handed over to the STS-97 crew members for return to Earth and subsequent processing.


Quelle: NASA

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