Sikorsky, Boeing Propose X2 Technology Helicopter Design for US Army's JMR FVL

This artist's rendering depicts a Sikorsky-Boeing JMR-FVL concept aircraft with counter-rotating co-axial main rotors and a pusher propeller based on Sikorsky's X2 Technology rotorcraft design. The future rotorcraft will deliver significant improvements in speed, combat radius and hover performance for the Army's next-generation utility and attack helicopter fleets.
Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., a subsidiary of United Technologies, and Boeing will submit a joint proposal to build a demonstrator aircraft - based on Sikorsky's X2 Technology rotorcraft design - for the U.S. Army's Joint Multi-Role (JMR) Technology Demonstrator (TD) Phase 1 program.
The JMR TD program supports the Army's Future Vertical Lift initiative to deliver the next generation of vertical lift utility and attack aircraft.
"The Sikorsky and Boeing proposal will demonstrate how X2 Technology, with its counter-rotating coaxial main rotors, pusher propeller, and advanced fly-by-wire system, will deliver efficient 230-knot cruise airspeed, improved hover efficiency, and weight-optimized design in an affordable package," said Samir Mehta, president of Sikorsky Military Systems.
"By leveraging our proven design, we can offer the Army reduced risk, a 100-knot improvement in speed, a 60 percent improvement in combat radius, and 50 percent better high-hot hover performance."
"The Sikorsky-Boeing team for JMR TD is truly a team of equals," said Leanne Caret, vice president and general manager of Boeing's Vertical Lift division. "Sikorsky will take the lead role in this JMR TD Phase 1 proposal, and Boeing will take a lead role for Phase 2, the mission systems demonstrator program.
"Our companies are fully committed to the long-term nature of the Future Vertical Lift initiative, and we will contribute equally in terms of capital, technological capability and risk on our path to meeting the Army's requirements," said Caret.
Proposals for JMR TD Phase 1 are due to the U.S. Army Aviation Applied Technology Directorate by March 6. The Army is expected to announce its selection of one or more winning bids in late 2013. Demonstrator aircraft are expected to fly in 2017.
Quelle: Boeing