Astronomie - Russia looking at deploying two state-of-the-art telescopes in Cuba


According to Cubadebate, this project was discussed at a meeting of a working group of the Russian-Cuban intergovernmental cooperation commission in Moscow in August 2017

Russia plans to build two state-of-the-art astronomical observatories in Cuba, Cubadebate website said on Wednesday.

"A joint project provides for the deployment of two state-of-the-art completely automated telescopes in Cuba that would be used to study positional, photometric and spectral characteristics of various space objects," the website said.

In particular, it is planned to use these telescopes to track potentially hazardous space objects, such as meteorites and space debris. It has not yet been decided where these telescopes will be deployed.

According to Cubadebate, this project was discussed at a meeting of a working group on scientific and technical cooperation of the Russian-Cuban intergovernmental cooperation commission in Moscow in August 2017. This topic was touched upon at last week’s seminar at the Havana planetarium, which was attended by specialists from Cuba’s Institute of Geophysics and Astronomy and the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Astronomy.


According to Martha Rodriguez, director of the Cuban Institute of Geophysics and Astronomy, Russian and Cuban experts have already conducted a astro-climatic and meteorological conditions in Cuba to choose the best locations for the observatories.

"It will be a five-year project, with possible extension for another five-year period," Cubadebate said.

Quelle: TASS

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