UFO-Forschung - UFO-Crash´s an England´s Grundschulen


UK schools still using staged UFO crashes in curriculum


Kids at the Berrow Church of England Primary School in England’s Somerset county recently investigated wreckage from a crashed alien spacecraft. Police Community Support Officers from the Avon and Somerset Constabulary were present to tape off the scene of this staged crash that served as a creative writing assignment for the school’s year two students (generally ages six and seven). According to the Weston & Somerset Mercury, a letter from extraterrestrial visitors was “found” at this crash site, asking if the local village is a good place for an extraterrestrial landing. After investigating the crash, the students were tasked with writing response letters to the extraterrestrials.
This recent instance of a UFO crash being incorporated into a school’s curriculum is just one of many that have taken place at UK schools in recent years.
In February 2013, The Guardian reported that a school in Essex, England staged a UFO crash, and “a forensic scientist and a policeman were on hand to take reports from the children of what they had seen.”
In January 2013, the Telegraph & Argus reported on a school in West Yorkshire, England where a UFO crash had been staged. The student “investigators” reported that “six-fingered handprints were found on the walls and blood-curdling screams were apparently heard by teachers.” Additionally, the students “got to don gloves and inspect some glowing ooze they had found, with what appeared to be baby aliens inside.” The stunt was reportedly the culmination of a five-week literacy program to teach students about news gathering.
Although this may appear to be a new trend, UK schools have been utilizing UFO crashes for years.
In 2010, Lee Speigel published an article on AOL in which he pointed out that UK schools have been staging UFO drills since 2008. He explained that, “In a typical drill, a UFO crash incident is created, and police arrive to show 8- to 10-year-old pupils how to handle such a scenario, which includes gathering ‘wreckage,’ and the students are encouraged to share and write about the experience.” He also pointed out that these drills are typically “jointly organized by schools and law enforcement agencies.”
As Speigel opined in his 2010 article, it is an “interesting curriculum choice to use a UFO crash as a tool to spark children’s imaginations and help improve their reading and writing skills.”
Wie weit die Thematik an deutschen Schulen behandelt wird, war im Beitrag vom 27.Juli 2012 zu sehen:
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