Raumfahrt - Start von Arianespace’s VS18 Soyuz mit O3b MEO Satelliten


Four O3b Medium Earth Orbit satellites will be lofted on Arianespace’s next Soyuz mission


One of the four O3b MEO satellites for Arianespace’s VS18 Soyuz launch is maneuvered inside the Spaceport’s S3B payload preparation facility.


Arianespace’s fourth mission to loft O3b Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites is set for March, with its four spacecraft and the Soyuz launch vehicle undergoing preparations at the Spaceport in French Guiana.

Once orbited by Arianespace, the satellites will be operated by SES Networks to deliver the world’s only low latency, fibre-like connectivity in the growing mobility, fixed data and government markets.

The trapezoidal-shaped Ka-band relay platforms have a liftoff mass of 700 kg. each, and were produced by Thales Alenia Space.

The current constellation of 12 O3b MEO satellites was orbited by Arianespace, utilizing its medium-lift Soyuz workhorse to carry four spacecraft each on launches that began in June 2013, and was followed by missions in July and December 2014.

Arianespace’s upcoming Soyuz mission is designated VS18 in the company’s launcher family numbering system, denoting the 18th flight of the Russian-built launch vehicle since its introduction at the Spaceport in October 2011.

Quelle: arianespace


Update: 8.03.2018


Soyuz receives the “go” for Arianespace’s March 9 liftoff with O3b MEO satellites


Soyuz has been cleared for Arianespace’s March 9 liftoff with four O3b MEO satellites, which are contained in the “upper composite” – shown here after integration atop the launcher in French Guiana.

Authorization has been given for tomorrow’s Arianespace Soyuz launch from French Guiana, providing the “all clear” for this medium-lift mission that will orbit four O3b Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites.

Approval was granted today after the regular pre-launch review for Arianespace flights – which confirmed the readiness of Soyuz and its multi-satellite payload, the launch site and associated infrastructure at the Spaceport, as well as the network of downrange tracking stations.

The March 9 mission – designated VS18 in Arianespace’s numbering system – will be performed from the purpose-built ELS launch facility for Soyuz. Liftoff is scheduled at precisely 1:37:06 p.m. local time in French Guiana, with the four passengers to be deployed during a flight lasting approximately 2 hrs., 22 min.

After their launch by Arianespace, the O3b spacecraft will be operated by SES Networks to provide the world with low latency, fiber-like connectivity in the growing mobility, fixed data and government markets. The trapezoidal-shaped Ka-band relay platforms, produced by Thales Alenia Space, have a liftoff mass of 700 kg. each.

Twelve O3b satellites currently are in orbit, launched by Arianespace utilizing its medium-lift Soyuz workhorse to carry four spacecraft each on launches that began in June 2013, followed by missions in July and December 2014.


Quelle: arianespace


Update: 9.03.2018 / 9.00 MEZ



Quelle: arianespace
Quelle: arianespace

Arianespace gives a lift to four more satellites in the O3b Medium Earth Orbit constellation

Lifting off from the Spaceport in French Guiana, the Soyuz launcher for Arianespace Flight VS18 begins its mission to deploy four O3b Medium Earth Orbit satellites.

Four additional spacecraft for SES’ O3b Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellite constellation were orbited today by a Soyuz launch from French Guiana, supporting a long-time Arianespace customer and underscoring the medium-lift workhorse launcher’s suitability for a full range of missions.

Departing from the Spaceport’s ELS launch complex near the city of Sinnamary, and ascending into clear skies over French Guiana, Soyuz deployed its four passengers during a flight of approximately 2 hrs., 22 min. This included the propulsion of Soyuz’ first three stages, as well as four burns of its Fregat upper stage.

Today’s launch was Soyuz’ 18th from French Guiana since it began service at the Spaceport in 2011, and was designated Flight VS18 in Arianespace’s launcher family numbering system.

Impressive numbers for the SES/Arianespace relationship

In post-launch comments at the Spaceport, Luce Fabreguettes, Arianespace’s Executive Vice President Missions, Operations & Purchasing, noted that the mission’s payloads are the 54th, 55th, 56th and 57th spacecraft orbited by Arianespace for global satellite operator SES – extending an exceptional partnership that dates back to 1988.

O3b spacecraft are utilized by the SES Networks operation of SES to provide low latency, fiber-like connectivity in the growing mobility, fixed data and government markets. These trapezoidal-shaped Ka-band relay platforms, produced by Thales Alenia Space, have a liftoff mass of 700 kg. each.

Speaking from the Spaceport after the mission’s completion, SES Chief Technology Officer Martin Halliwell confirmed that ground tracking stations acquired signals from all four satellites lofted by Flight VS18, and thanked Arianespace for the successful launch. “This important mission increases our capacity in Medium Earth Orbit by 38 percent,” he said.

Halliwell noted that SES would be back at the Spaceport in early 2019 with the next four O3b satellites.

Enhancing SES Networks’ services from orbit

Arianespace’s medium-lift workhorse vehicle climbs away from French Guiana on its 18th Spaceport mission.

The passengers on today’s flight will join the 12 O3b satellites already in orbit, launched by Arianespace using its medium-lift Soyuz workhorse that carries four spacecraft on each launch. The previous missions were performed in June 2013, July 2014 and December 2014. Positioned at approximately 8,000 km., the O3b satellites are some four-times-closer to Earth than geostationary-orbit satellites.

The four newly-launched satellites will enable SES Networks to offer more capacity, enhanced coverage, increased efficiencies and greater reliability while delivering carrier-grade services to telecommunications operators, mobile network operators, enterprises, internet service providers and government customers.

After today’s Flight VS18, Arianespace has five more SES satellites in its backlog, comprising four additional spacecraft for SES Networks’ O3b constellation, and the all-electric SES-17 – to be used by SES for high-speed inflight connectivity and high-powered data services.

Thales Alenia Space-built satellites on Flight VS18

In comments after Flight VS18, Arianespace’s Luce Fabreguettes also offered her congratulations to Thales Alenia Space, another long-time partner that produced the four O3b spacecraft lofted on today’s Soyuz mission. “With 154 Thales Alenia Space produced satellites orbited since 1981 by Arianespace, and 11 more in our backlog, we will certainly continue to partner for many common successes,” she added.

Patrick Mauté, Thales Alenia Space’s Chief Technical Officer, said the Soyuz launcher “operated like clockwork – perfectly,” and complemented the launch teams’ “skills, competency, and great talent,” adding they were the keys to today’s successful launch.

Flight VS18 was Arianespace’s second mission in 2018 with a member of its complete launcher family – which also includes the heavyweight Ariane 5 and light-lift Vega. It continues a busy year of activity for Arianespace, which has identified a total of 14 launch opportunities from the Spaceport.

Arianespace’s next mission is Flight VA242 with an Ariane 5, which will carry a dual-payload to geostationary transfer orbit (GTO) that includes the HYLAS 4 satellite for Avanti.

Quelle: arianespace



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