Raumfahrt - Start von JAXA´s Epsilon-2 Rakete mit ERG Satelliten



ERG / Epsilon-2 Countdown

Countdown Clock

Launch Day

 2016/12/20 20:00:00 (JST)


-033days 23:01:55 

JST Time


Project Topics

The Launch date of the Epsilon-2 with the ERG satellite on board- December 20

The Launch date of the Epsilon-2 with the ERG satellite on board- December 20

JAXA announced that the second Epsilon Launch Vehicle with Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) on board will be launched sometime between 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. on December 20, 2016 (Japan Standard Time). Live launch coverage from the Uchinoura Space Center will be carried on YouTube. More detail will be available shortly. JAXA is happy to hear from dear readers. Please send words of encouragement to the project members of the Epsilon and of the ERG mission. ...

About Epsilon Launch Vehicle

Lowering the hurdles to space

As part of our research on the next-generation solid propellant rocket, we plan to reduce the cost by a third of that for the former M-V Launch Vehicle. However, we are not only thinking about cost reductions. Our ultimate goal is to lower hurdles to space by developing a space transportation system suitable for a new age and by making rocket launches much simpler. Additionally, we will be able to meet the wide range of demands for rocket launches by operating the H-IIA and H-IIBLaunch Vehicles as well.

Characteristics of Epsilon Launch Vehicle

1.Innovation of the launch system

For the next-generation solid fuel rocket, we plan to reform the launch system and improve the operation performance to the highest global standard by utilizing innovative ideas far beyond a simple combination of existing technologies. For example, we will reduce the time needed for the operation of ground facilities and launches to about one fourth of the time required for the M-V Launch Vehicle. To do this, we will make the vehicle perform checks onboard and autonomously and reduce the time required for operations on the ground. Ultimately, through internet, we will be able to check and control rockets anywhere in the world simply by using a laptop computer. We are planning to realize the world, where the launch control system is not necessarily at the launch site anymore. Such an innovative concept for a new solid propellant rocket will become a good model for future launch systems involving a liquid fuel rocket.

2.Making rocket launches as simple as daily events

Currently, onboard equipment is custom made to suit each rocket. Assuming that the rocket was a personal computer, onboard equipment for the rocket would correspond to the computer peripherals and are unique to that specific rocket. For our new rocket, we are aiming as much as possible to develop onboard equipment that can be shared with a family of rockets. For example, we are thinking of connecting onboard equipment through a high-speed network. Hence, if we use common interfaces on them, we can freely add or change equipment, or even put them on a different rocket just like computer peripherals. In other words, launching the rocket is just like using a computer. The launch of the rocket will become much easier, just like daily events. This dream era, where we can become much closer to space, is only a few steps away.

Major Characteristics

Epsilon Major Characteristics

Length (m) 24
Mass (t) 91

Epsilon Launch Vehicle Launch Capacity

Specifications Standard Configuration
Three-staged Solid Propellant Launch Vehicle
Optional Configuration
Three-staged Solid Propellant Launch Vehicle
+ Compact Liquid Propulsion System
Low Earth Orbit (LEO) 1200kg
(Perigee 250km x
Apogee 500km)
(500km circle)
Sun-Synchronous Orbit (SSO) - 450kg
(500km circle)

Quelle: JAXA


Launch of the Second Epsilon Launch Vehicle with the Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace on Board

November 15, 2016 (JST)

National Research and Development Agency
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency will launch the second Epsilon Launch Vehicle with the Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace on board. The launch schedule is as follows.

Launch date:
December 20, 2016 (JST)
Launch time:
8:00 p.m. through 9:00 p.m. (JST)
Launch window:
December 21, 2016 through January 31, 2017
Launch site:
Uchinoura Space Center
Quelle: JAXA

Japan to launch satellite Dec. 20 to explore Van Allen radiation belt


The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency says it will launch a satellite Dec. 20 from the Uchinoura Space Center in Kagoshima Prefecture to study high energy electrons.

The satellite, named the Exploration of Energization and Radiation in Geospace, will study the region of outer space near Earth, including the upper atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere. This region is called “geospace.”

JAXA said Tuesday the satellite will gather information meant to clarify how highly charged electrons in the Van Allen radiation belt are created, as they are generated and vanish repeatedly along with space storms.

The satellite will be carried aloft by a second-generation Epsilon rocket.

The 26-meter-tall Epsilon Launch Vehicle is a revamped version of the first one launched in September 2013, with enhanced launch capability and artificial intelligence that performs checks and monitors operations.

The rocket is to be launched between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. Dec. 20 from the space center in Kimotsuki, Kagoshima Prefecture.

Quelle: The Japan Times


Update: 21.11.2016




About Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG)

To elucidate high-energy electrons that repeat their generation and disappearance.

Geospace is the region of outer space near the Earth. The radiation belt called the "Van Allen radiation belt" lies within the geospace, and the belt captures a huge volume of highly charged energy particles that exceed mega electron volts. 
This project aims at elucidating how highly charged electrons have been born while they generate and vanish repeatedly along with space storms caused by the disturbance of solar wind caused by space storms, and how space storms are developed.


Quelle: JAXA


Update: 19.12.2016


ERG / Epsilon-2 Countdown

Countdown Clock

Launch Day

 2016/12/20 20:00:00 (JST)


-001days 02:55:57 

JST Time

ERG/Epsilon-2 Launch Live Broadcast

JAXA will provide a live broadcast of The ERG/Epsilon-2 launch live report from Uchinoura Space Center.

Broadcast Schedule

7:40 p.m. on Dec. 20 (Tue. , Japan Standard Time)

  • The above schedule is subject to change due to the preparation status and weather conditions.
  • The copyright of the JAXA broadcast belongs to JAXA.

ERG/Epsilon-2 Launching Observation Points

All areas of the Uchinoura Space Center (USC) are off-limits on the launch day. You can observe a rocket launch from a place that is outside of the USC.
The following observation points are especially recommended sites.

Project Topics

Dec. 19, 2016 Updated

Epsilon-2/ERG launch time decided! Live broadcast from 7:40 p.m. on December 20 (Tue.)

Epsilon-2/ERG launch time decided! Live broadcast from 7:40 p.m. on December 20 (Tue.)

The launch time of the second Epsilon Launch Vehicle with Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) was set for 8:00:00 on December 20 (Tue.), 2016 (Japan Standard Time). JAXA will broadcast a live launch report from the Uchinoura Space Center from 7:40 p.m. on the day. You can watch it through the Internet. Please have a look! Live broadcast (YouTube) Epsilon Launch Vehicle Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geospace (ERG) ...


 Quelle: JAXA


Update: 20.12.2016 / 13.15 MEZ


Erfolgreicher Start von JAXA´s Epsilon-2 Rakete mit ERG Satelliten













Quelle: JAXA

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