Astronomie - US Strategic Command:Russian SL-4 Rocket Space Debris über Las Vegas Himmel


23.12.2015 / 7.45 MEZ

LAS VEGAS (KSNV News3LV) -- A bright, flying object was spotted high in the Las Vegas sky Tuesday night. Some video from across social media appears shows multiple parts of the object falling apart.
The so-far-unidentified object was seen from as far away as Bakersfield , California, as well as Sacramento, Laughlin, Mesquite, Pasadena and Reno, Nevada.
Meteor or space debris flies across Las Vegas sky
LAS VEGAS (KSNV News3LV) -- People across the city have seen an object flying across the Las Vegas Sky Tuesday night.
Some video from across social media appears shows multiple parts of the object falling apart.
Reports from Bakersfield say they have seen the object, along with people in Sacramento, Bakersfield, Laughlin, Mesquite, Cedar City, and Pasadena. Some people as far north as Reno have reported sightings.
Bob Pippin from the CSN Planetarium said the object is either a meteor breaking up on re-entry, or some type of space debris, such as a satellite.
Robert Pippin estimated the meteor to be somewhere between a marble and a baseball.
Dr. Krupp told us over the phone it could have been as small as a grain of sand.
McCarran Airport said it is not a plane or aircraft. The object was too high in the sky to be any sort of aircraft.
There have been not yet been any reports of anything from the object hitting the ground.
Both CSN’s Robert Pippin and the Griffith Observatory’s Dr. Edwin Krupp say the object was likely very small.
Update 8.30 MEZ:

Wahrscheinlich Debris von Soyuz verursachte das Himmels-Spektakel über USA
Update: 13.45 MEZ:
Quelle: US Strategic Command
Quelle: NASA
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