Raumfahrt - Russland und China wollen Standardisierung bei der Herstellung von Raumfahrttechnologien für gemeinsame Mondprogramme


Russia, China to unify space technologies for manned flights to the Moon — source
"The sides have agreed to begin cooperation beyond low-Earth orbits, including manned lunar programmes. The mode of such cooperation and its guidelines are still to be negotiated," the source said
Russia and China have begun joint work with the aim to devise a set of unified standards to be used in manufacturing space technologies, including those crucial to a future manned mission to the Moon, a space industry source told TASS on Monday.
"The sides have agreed to begin cooperation beyond low-Earth orbits, including manned lunar programmes. The mode of such cooperation and its guidelines are still to be negotiated," the source said.
The two sides will analyse issues of standardisation in the sphere of manned flights. They will develop standards for docking units, electrical connectors and spacecraft atmosphere. A special working group will be set up for that purpose, the source added.
TASS has no official confirmation of these plans yet.
Last year, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said during his visit to China that Moscow "is ready to work hand in hand" with Beijing on manned space projects, joint deep space exploration and joint exploration of the solar system, the Moon and Mars.
Quelle: TASS
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