UFO-Forschung - The Galileo Project for the Systematic Scientific Search for Evidence of Extraterrestrial Technological Artifacts




The Galileo Project for the Systematic Scientific Search for Evidence of Extraterrestrial Technological Artifacts


In 2017, the world for the first time observed an interstellar object, called ‘Oumuamua, that was briefly visiting our Solar system. Based on astronomical observations, ‘Oumuamua turned out to have highly anomalous properties that defy well-understood natural explanations. We can only speculate whether ‘Oumuamua may be explained by never seen before natural explanations, or by stretching our imagination to ‘Oumuamua perhaps being an extraterrestrial technological object, similar to a very thin light-sail or communication dish, which fits the astronomical data rather well.

After the recent release of the ODNI (Office of the Director of National Intelligence) report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), the scientific community now needs the determination to systematically, scientifically and transparently look for potential evidence of extraterrestrial technological equipment. The impact of any discovery of extraterrestrial technology on science and on our entire world view would be enormous.

Given the recently discovered abundance of Earth-Sun systems, the Galileo Project is dedicated to the proposition that humans can no longer ignore the possible existence of Extraterrestrial Technological Civilizations (ETCs), and that science should not dogmatically reject potential extraterrestrial explanations because of social stigma or cultural preferences, factors which are not conducive to the scientific method of unbiased, empirical inquiry. We now must ‘dare to look through new telescopes’, both literally and figuratively.


Project Goal

The goal of the Galileo Project is to bring the search for extraterrestrial technological signatures of Extraterrestrial Technological Civilizations (ETCs) from accidental or anecdotal observations and legends to the mainstream of transparent, validated and systematic scientific research. This ground-based project is complementary to traditional SETI, in that it searches for physical objects, and not electromagnetic signals, associated with extraterrestrial technological equipment.

Irrespective of the possibility that the Galileo Project may discover additional, or even extraordinary evidence for ETCs, at a minimum the Galileo Project will gather rich data sets that may foster the discovery of — or better scientific explanations for — novel interstellar objects with anomalous properties, and for potential new natural atmospheric phenomena, or in some instances terrestrial technology explanations for many of the presently inexplicable UAP.




The ODNI (Office of the Director of National Intelligence) report, delivered to Congress on June 25, 2021, mentions many Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), the nature of which is unknown.  The report states: “a majority of UAP were registered across multiple sensors, to include radar, infrared, electro-optical, weapon seekers and visual observation.”

Four years earlier, on October 19th, 2017, astronomers discovered the first interstellar object from outside the solar system, called 'Oumuamua. The object did not resemble any comet or asteroid observed before. It was inferred to have a flat shape and moved away from the Sun as if it were thin enough to be pushed by sunlight. Moreover, this pancake-shaped object tumbled every 8 hours and originated from the rare state of the Local Standard of Rest, which averages over the motions of all the stars in the vicinity of the Sun.

The existing data on UAP and ‘Oumuamua are sufficiently anomalous to motivate the collection of additional data on UAP or ‘Oumuamua-like objects and to test whether such objects may be astro-archeological artifacts or active technological equipment produced by one or more putative, existing or extinct extraterrestrial technological civilizations (ETCs).



The Galileo Project research group will aim to identify the nature of UAP and ‘Oumuamua-like interstellar objects using the standard scientific method based on a transparent analysis of open scientific data to be collected using optimized instruments.


The Galileo Project follows three major avenues of research:

  1. Obtain High-resolution, Multi-detector UAP Images, Discover their Nature:

A picture is worth a thousand words. For example, a megapixel image of the surface of a human-scale UAP object at a distance of a mile will allow to distinguish the label: “Made in Country X” from the potential alternative “Made by ETC Y” on a nearby exoplanet in our galaxy. This goal will be accomplished by searching for UAP with a network of mid-sized, high-resolution telescopes and detector arrays with suitable cameras and computer systems, distributed in select locations. The data will be open to the public and the scientific analysis will be transparent.

We anticipate extensive Artificial Intelligence/Deep Learning (AI/DL) and algorithmic approaches to differentiate atmospheric phenomena from birds, balloons, commercial or consumer drones, and from potential technological objects of terrestrial or other origin surveying our planet, such as satellites. For the purpose of high contrast imaging, each telescope will be part of a detector array of orthogonal and complementary capabilities from radar, Doppler radar and high-resolution synthetic aperture radar to high-resolution, large camera visible range and infrared band telescopes. If an ETC is discovered to be surveying Earth using UAP, then we have to assume that the ETC has mastered passive radar, optical and infrared technologies. In such a case, our systematic study of such detected UAP will be enhanced by means of high-performance, integrated and multi-wavelength detector arrays.


2. Search for and In-Depth Research on ‘Oumuamua-like Interstellar Objects:  

The Galileo Project research group also will utilize existing and future astronomical surveys, such as the future Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST)[1] at the Vera C. Rubin Observatory (VRO), to discover and monitor the properties of interstellar visitors to the Solar system.

We will conceptualize and design, potentially in collaboration with interested space agencies or space ventures, a launch-ready space mission to image unusual interstellar objects such as ‘Oumuamua by intercepting their trajectories on their approach to the Sun or by using ground-based survey telescopes to discover interstellar meteors.


3.  Search for Potential ETC Satellites:

Discovering potential 1 meter-scale or smaller satellites that may be exploring Earth, e.g., in polar orbits a few hundred km above Earth, may become feasible with VRO in 2023 and later, but if radar, optical and infrared technologies have been mastered by an ETC, then very sophisticated large telescopes on Earth might be required. We will design advanced algorithmic and AI/DL object recognition and fast filtering methods that the Galileo Project intends to deploy, initially on non-orbiting telescopes.


Research Team

Jensine Andresen

Jensine Andresen

B.S.E. in Civil Engineering and School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University
M.A. from the Department of Anthropology, Columbia University
A.M. and Ph.D. from Committee on the Study of Religion, Harvard Faculty of Arts & Sciences
Gaspar Bakos

Gaspar Bakos

Professor, Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University
Principal Investigator, HATNet extrasolar planet search
Shelley Cheng

Shelley Cheng

Ph.D. student, Astronomy Department, Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Nia Imara

Nia Imara

Assistant Professor, University of California, Santa Cruz
Former John Harvard Distinguished Science Fellow, Harvard Faculty of Arts & Sciences
Founder, Equity and Inclusion Journal Club, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Ed Turner

Edwin L. Turner

Professor, Astrophysical Sciences & Statistical Studies, Princeton University
Affiliate Member, University of Tokyo's Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe
Co-Chair, NAOJ-Princeton Astrophysics Collaboration Council
Beatriz Villarroel

Beatriz Villarroel

Postdoctoral researcher (Nordic Fellow), Stockholm University, Sweden
Affiliated researcher with Instituto de Astrof ́ısica de Canarias, Tenerife, Spain
Principal Investigator of the "Vanishing & Appearing Sources during a Century of Observations" project

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