Raumfahrt - Russian specialists working to fix problems with Spektr-R space radio telescope


Beginning with January 10, problems emerged in the operation of the service systems that currently make it impossible to tackle a targeted task

Specialists of Russia’s State Space Corporation Roscosmos are trying to fix problems with the Spektr-R space radio telescope, Roscosmos said on Twitter on Saturday.

"Specialists of the Main Operational Group of Spacecraft Control are carrying out work to remove the existing problems," Roscosmos said in a statement

The Spektr-R was launched in 2011 and the warranty period of its active operation expired back in 2014. Before this year, the radio telescope continued tackling targeted tasks, Roscosmos said.

"Beginning with January 10, 2019, problems emerged in the operation of the service systems that currently make it impossible to tackle a targeted task," Roscosmos said.

Quelle: TASS

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